How do we deliver our new housing without contributing to urban sprawl?
How and where do we deliver housing to suit different needs?
Population Growth and Housing

Population Growth
South Dublin’s population grew above the national average to 278,767 persons in 2016. National and Regional Plans allocate a further 50,000 people to live in South Dublin between 2016 – 2031 with further compact growth potential within the county up to 2040 and beyond. This equates to growth of just under 3,500 persons per year.
Housing is recognised as a fundamental provision for all citizens. It is also the cornerstone in forming sustainable communities. South Dublin had 98,387 homes in 2016 and a vacancy rate of 3.6%. By the end of 2019 a further 4,774 homes were built with more than 4,800 units with planning permission not yet built.
The Development Plan will include objectives to facilitate and deliver the housing needs of current and future populations in locations which are served by good quality infrastructure. A plan led approach to identifying housing needs and supporting the sustainable growth of urban and rural communities will be developed through the Core Strategy and the Housing Strategy of the Development Plan.
Regional Strategy - Key Growth Centres in South Dublin
Housing Delivery
A Development Plan must include a Core Strategy which sets out the housing needs for the county, demonstrates that there is sufficient land zoned to meet this need and that it is in the right place with the relevant infrastructure.
To deliver needed housing for the county, the plan must: