The current County Development Plan 2016-2022 is underpinned by these overarching considerations.

6-Year-PlanThe new Plan will follow from previous 6-year County Development Plans which have set the foundations for existing development and development currently under construction within the County.

 The current County Development Plan has set in place a strong foundation which has guided and facilitated the delivery of new housing, employment, community facilities and open space areas throughout the County while also striving towards the protection and enhancement of the existing built and natural environment. The new plan must therefore develop and further enhance this progress over its 2022 – 2028 six-year life cycle while also setting in place the key steps which will direct, connect and shape the future development of the County up to 2040.



Retain the current zoning in this plan
Retain the current zoning
SDCC should defend its own County Development Plan
Strategic Housing Developments allow for an effective bypassing of the local authority planning system. The local authority provides feedback to the applicant to assist them with their proposal...
Saggart Village Observations
We welcome that the Plan sets out: To support and facilitate the provision of post-primary schools in the Citywest/Saggart area, in line with the Fortunestown Local Area Plan and any...
Rathcoole Woodlands
This submission is specifically in relation to the area known as Rathcoole Woodlands which comprises 11.2 hectares of rewilded native woodland adjacent to Rathcoole People's Park. The IWT visited...
Rathcoole woodlands
  I would like the council to acknowledge   Rathcoole Woodland as being the first Native Woodland resulting from re-wilded agriculture land. One of a kind and protect...