Economic Development & Employment

Dúnta31 Iúil, 2020, 08:30 - 28 M.F., 2020, 23:59
People sitting outside a building


  • Where and what types of employment do we require in South Dublin over the next 6 years and beyond?
  • How can this plan contribute towards the development of a strong resilient economy?

National & Global Context

This paper is issued in uncertain economic times as the global economy deals with the impact of Covid-19. The Quarterly Economic Commentary for Winter 2019 (ESRI) forecast continued substantial GDP growth of 5.8% in 2019 with a slightly lower growth rate of 3.3% in 2020. This reflected lower growth rates in the wider EU and the potential impact of Brexit. However, by May 2020 the Economic and Social Research Institute gave a baseline scenario in which our economic output would decline by 12.4% this year. Similarly, at the start of 2020 unemployment was just 4.8% having recovered strongly following the financial recession. These low levels of unemployment will change at least in the short term as we emerge from the virus pandemic.

This Plan will cover the years 2022- 2028. During the preparation of the Plan regard will be had to best advice on the needs of our economy. The Plan will reflect this and develop policy capable of facilitating resilience and recovery, in order to further progress economic growth and development within both the urban and rural areas of the county.

Planning Context

Both the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy highlight the importance of employment within the county. Tallaght, the Naas Road/ Ballymount, Adamstown, Grange Castle and Clonburris are identified as areas for potential employment development. Policy within the Development Plan will aim to create conditions to attract internationally mobile investment and opportunities for indigenous enterprise growth in line with national and regional frameworks. An analysis of existing zoned employment lands will be carried out to assess their ability to deliver likely employment needs over the term of the Plan.


Tourism contributes to the economic and social well-being of the county. The expansion of the tourism industry will aid in generating revenue, supporting jobs and creating opportunities for event/services provision. The Plan will aim to promote and facilitate through appropriate policy/ objectives the development of sustainable tourism and recreation throughout the county. The Dublin Mountains Visitors Centre Flagship Project is a Council initiative that has recently been approved by An Bord Pleanala.


The Plan will set out the level and form of retail activity appropriate to various areas within the county and define the extent of core retail areas. The Plan will need to think about the changing form of retail as on-line shopping increases.

Major Town Centres

Tallaght and Liffey Valley

Town or District Centre

Adamstown, Crumlin (Ashleaf), Clonburris, Clondalkin, Citywest, Kilnamanagh, Lucan, Rathfarnham.

Agriculture & Rural Diversification

Agriculture is part of the South Dublin economy. It faces many challenges as practices and the economy changes and climate change impacts on different crops and livestock production. Farm diversificationis one of a number of strategies available to farmers. The Development Plan needs policies to support agriculture and to recognise that new sustainable enterprises that complement the rural landscape may be appropriate as farms diversify.

People sitting at tables outside a cafe in the sun talking

South Dublin - Occupation Breakdown

Ensuring sufficient lands are zoned for employment, facilitating the right types of jobs in the right places is part of the successful delivery of sustainable communities throughout the county.

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Submission re Stanley Asphalt, Blackchurch, Naas Road, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin
Please refer to the attached submission. 
Submission in relation to Fonthill Retail Park
Please refer to the attached submission document. 
Submission re The Retail Park, Liffey Valley
Please refer to attached Submission.