Built Environment and Placemaking

Dúnta31 Iúil, 2020, 08:30 - 28 M.F., 2020, 23:59
Image of building


  • How do we deliver higher densities in our county to facilitate compact growth patterns and reduce urban sprawl?
  • What are the challenges we face in doing this?


Key to providing great places will be striking a balance between the delivery of a compact pattern of development through increased density and high-quality design while protecting our built heritage. The successful delivery of such places will require a mix of uses, connections to sustainable transportation and infrastructure, a joined-up approach to community planning and a strategic vision which includes a greater emphasis on placemaking. Placemaking can create many different forms of public space whether these are hard surface, green etc., yet the overall picture is that these spaces can only be viewed as positive in everyday life. Our built heritage enhances our sense of place and history. Protected structures and architectural conservation areas will be reviewed as part of the Development Plan process.

At a national and regional level, the creation of high-quality built environment is underpinned by a number of strategic objectives namely: 

These strategic objectives will contribute towards our transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy.

The Development Plan will set out the framework to guide future development. A focus will be placed on how we live, how we work and how we protect our environment in a manner which results in the creation of great places and a sustainable and resilient development pattern for the overall county.








Delivery: The plan has a key role to play in guiding the creation of great places in a manner that strengthens  which strengthens connections between communities and the places they share through high quality design and place-making.

See attached for the 17 ideas in this category
see attached
Silver bridge
Please include a plan for the re-instatement of this bridge as a link to the Phoenix park for cyclists and pedestrians.
Built Environment and Placemaking
This submission is made on behalf of Quintain Developments Ireland Limited. We refer to the attached material prepared by Stephen Little and Associates Chartered Town Planners and Development...
Built Environment and Placemaking
Please see attached Submissoin.
Universal Design Homes
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