Image of a pier on a lake


  • What measures should the plan put in place to ensure needed physical infrastructure is in place to support people living and working in the county?

The plan must put in place a framework that promotes and provides high-quality physicalinfrastructure to allow development to progress in a sustainable manner. The availability of infrastructure such as water, wastewater, surface waterdrainage, energy &telecommunication networks will play a key role in securing economicinvestment. It will also contribute towards the safeguarding of our health and environment throughcareful management of critical resources making us more resilient to climate change impacts. This will also make us more resilient to climate change impacts. Such infrastructure must be provided in a manner which ensures compliance with all relevant European, National and Regional legislation and frameworks. Transport and Community infrastructure are also critical to sustainable economies and communities and are discussed in the themes ‘Sustainable Movement’ and ‘Community Services’.

While South Dublin County Council (SDCC) is not directly responsible for all aspects of infrastructure provision, the plan sets the growth strategy for the county which will guide the planning and location of delivery of key infrastructure.

Surface Water

The management of surface water drainage in the county over the lifetime of the plan and beyond will be key to reducing surface water run-off both mitigating and adapting to climate change and flooding.

Measures such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS), which caninclude green roofs, permeablepaving and attenuation areas contribute towards slowing surface water run-off, alleviating flooding and helping to clean the water before it reaches our rivers. This GreenInfrastructure approach has anincreasing role to play in surfacewater management, reducing ourreliance on hard engineered solutions.

Water & Wastewater

The provision of an adequate supply of water and wastewater facilities iscrucial to facilitate and sustain the growth of the county.

Irish Water (IW) have responsibility for the provision of water/wastewater infrastructure. SDCC will work with IW and the Regional Assembly to ensure that IW Investment Plan aligns with SDCC Settlement Strategy.

There is an issue with security of water supply in the Dublin andMid-East Regions. IW are progressinga proposal to planning stage toabstract water from the lowerShannon. Subject to planning, thetreated water will be piped to a newreservoir at Peamount in South County Dublin, connecting into theGreater Dublin network.

Much of our wastewater goes to Ringsend Treatment Plant. Planning permission has been granted to upgrade the plant to a capacity of 2.4 million population equivalent. This project is ongoing and is expected to be finalised in 2027.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

The widespread availability of a high-quality Information and Communications Technology network within the county will be critical to the development of the county’s economy while also supporting social development. South Dublin County Council is working with National Broadband Ireland to facilitate the delivery of high-speed broadband for the 5% of premises in South Dublin where State intervention is required.

Energy Networks

ESB Networks and EirGrid are responsible for the electricity distribution and transmission system. Gas Networks Ireland are responsible for supply, transmission and distribution of natural gas. To reduce our carbon footprint, it is necessary to diversify our energy production systems away from fossil fuels and towards green energy such as wind, wave, solar and biomass. Smart energy systems and the conversion of the built environment into both generator/consumer of energy will also have a role to play. The electrification of transport fleets will require the progressive and strategic development of a different form of energy grid to reduce investment needs. One such way could be the co-location of renewables and associated grid connections.

Waste Management

Waste Management is integral to sustainable development, protecting public health and maintaining a high-quality environment. Policy within the Development Plan will be shaped by the Eastern and MidlandsRegion Waste ManagementPlan 2015 – 2021. The overall vision of the Regional Waste Management Plan is to rethink the approach taken towards managing waste so that it is seen as a valuable material.

Protection of Water

The County Development Plan will include objectives relating to mitigation and protection measures for all protected areas, including Drinking Water Protected Areas and associated Source Protection Plans. This is in line with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive and the current and future cycles of River Basin Management Plans.

The provision of physical infrastructure and utilities is critical in order to secure economic investment and create sustainable communities where people can enjoy a good quality of life.

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