Unique Reference Number: 
John Lahart

Infrastructure and Utilities

Dublin City Council and DLRCoCo in particular, took huge advantage of the Covid Lockdown period to imlement temporary cycle tracks around their jurisdictions wich have had huge investment from the local population and the cycling frateernity in particular.  There are many roads in the constituency and county where SDCC could have implemented trial or temporary cycle tracks to encourage connections between villages and other suburban areas, but very little, withthe excepyion of Wellington Lane.  THis has to be prioritised - the trialing of temporary cycle tracks to test usage and public and community reaction and see if it is possible to implement them more formally. It is very disappointing as a public representaive to see how little SDCC did in terms of the provision of temporary cycle tracks thourhgout the county.

Main opinion: 

Trial Cycle Tracks

Main requests: 

More Trial/Temporary Cycle Tracks

Main reasons: 

Following the example f other local authorities