Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Proposed Amendments

Closed29 Mar, 2022, 00:00 - 26 Apr, 2022, 23:59
Chapter/ Section Flood Risk Assessment
Amendment ref. SFRA 1
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert new Map 15 - Flood Risk overlaid on zoning
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 
  • Provide a new Map 15, Strategic Flood Risk Assessment overlaid on Zoning Map.

SFRA 1 Map
(Click to enlarge and zoom)

Chapter/ Section Flood Risk Assessment
Amendment ref. Amendment SFRA Justification Test
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend Strategic Flood Risk Assessment to include a revised Justification Test
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as follows:

  • Include a plan making Justification Test as part of the SFRA.

Justification Test can be found in Section 5 of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment PDF Attached [Download PDF]