Chapter 8: Community Infrastructure and Open Space

Closed29 Mar, 2022, 12:00am - 26 Apr, 2022, 11:59pm

Following are the proposed material amendments to Chapter 8.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.3 Social Inclusion and Community Development
Amendment ref.

Amendment 8.1  

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS1 Objective 4 – include additional text.
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS1 Objective 4 from:

To support the improvement, maintenance, upgrade and refurbishment of existing community based facilities within the County to meet current and future needs.

To read:

To support the improvement, maintenance, upgrade and refurbishment of existing community based facilities and changing rooms within the County to meet current and future needs.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.3 Social Inclusion and Community Development
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.2
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS1 Objective 3 – include additional text
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS1 Objective 3 from:

To support and facilitate the implementation of local plans and programmes (and any superseding documents) with a social inclusion and community development focus including:

  • Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (2018-2022)
  • South Dublin County Council Integration Strategy (2019-2023) – A More Inclusive County
  • The South Dublin County Traveller Accommodation Programme (2019- 2024)
  • South Dublin Disability Accommodation Strategy 
  • South Dublin Age Friendly Strategy (2020- 2024)
  • A Strategy for a Healthy South Dublin (2019-2022)

To read:

To support and facilitate the implementation of local plans and programmes (and any superseding documents) with a social inclusion and community development focus including:

 Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (2018-2022)

  • South Dublin County Council Integration Strategy (2019-2023) – A More Inclusive County
  • The South Dublin County Traveller Accommodation Programme (2019- 2024)
  • South Dublin Disability Accommodation Strategy 
  • South Dublin Age Friendly Strategy (2020- 2024)
  • A Strategy for a Healthy South Dublin (2019-2022)
  • South Dublin County Sports Partnership Strategic Plan 2017-2022
Chapter/ Section Section 8.3.1 Local Social Inclusion Plans and Strategies
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.3
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Include additional text – 8.3.1 Local Social Inclusion Plans and Strategies
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend Section 8.3.1 to include the South Dublin Sports Partnership as a bullet point with the wording:

  • The aim of the Sports Partnership is to support increased participation in sport and health enhancing physical activity by the community of South Dublin County, regardless of their background, age or ability. The strategy focuses on 3 key action areas; the education of coaches and sport leaders, the delivery of activities to the community, especially the more disadvantaged groups of people, and the provision of information and support clubs, schools, community organisation and the general public.
Chapter/ Section 8.4 Social/Community Infrastructure
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.4
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  New SLO
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new SLO to read:

To provide for a Garda Station in Clonburris

Chapter/ Section 8.4 Social/Community Infrastructure
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.5
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS2 Objective 4 – include additional text.
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS2 Objective 4 from:

To support the clustering of community facilities such as community centres, sports and leisure facilities, schools, childcare facilities and open spaces to create multi-purpose community hubs.

To read:

To support the clustering of community facilities such as community centres, sports and leisure facilities, schools, childcare facilities and open spaces to create multi-purpose community hubs without negatively restricting the range of services provided in any one centre.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.6 Sports Facilities and Centres
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.6
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS4 Objective 1 – include additional text
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS4 Objective 1 from:

To promote the provision and management of high-quality, multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County to meet existing and future needs, to include sports hubs and multi-sport astro-pitches, in accordance with the South Dublin County Council Sports Pitch Strategy (2020), the National Sports Policy (2018-2027) and the aims of the South Dublin County Sports Partnership, consistent with RPO 9.15 of the RSES.

To read:

To promote the provision and management of high-quality, multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, to meet existing and future needs, to include sports hubs and multi-sport astro-pitches, in accordance with the South Dublin County Council Sports Pitch Strategy (2020), the National Sports Policy (2018-2027) and the aims of the South Dublin County Sports Partnership, consistent with RPO 9.15 of the RSES.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.6 Sports Facilities and Centres
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.7
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS4 Objective 15 – amend text
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS4 Objective 15 from:

To provide a swimming pool with leisure facilities in the Rathfarnham/ Knocklyon/Firhouse areas.

To read:

To provide a swimming pool with leisure facilities In the Rathfarnham/ Knocklyon/ Firhouse/ Ballycullen areas

Chapter/ Section Section 8.6 Sports Facilities and Centres
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.8
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert new COS4 Objective 19
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new COS4 Objective 19 to read:

To ensure where possible and appropriate, that all public all-weather pitches provided by South Dublin County Council cater for all team sports and are large enough to cater for a full size GAA pitch.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.7.5 Quality of Public Open Space
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.9
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend COS5 Objective 14
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend Policy Objective COS5 Objective 14 from:

To ensure that public open space and associated recreational facilities are accessible by walking, cycling and public transport, as appropriate to their position within the open space hierarchy set out in Table 8.1.

To read:

To ensure that public open space and associated recreational facilities are accessible by walking, cycling and public transport, as appropriate to their position within the open space hierarchy set out in Table 8.1 and include safe bicycle parking spaces at appropriate locations.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.8 Healthcare Facilities
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.10
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS6 Objective 4 – amend text
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend text from:

To support the provision of primary care facilities with relevant agencies, in accordance with the standard of one facility per 7,000-10,000 population as identified by the HSE and the Department of Health.

To read:

To support the provision of primary care facilities with relevant agencies, in accordance with the standard of one facility per 7,000-10,000 population as identified by the HSE and the Department of Health.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.8 Healthcare Facilities
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.11
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert new COS6 Objective 5
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new COS6 Objective 5 to read:

To liaise with the Health Service Executive and all relevant bodies to support, promote and attract potential GP, Dental, Pharmacy and all other necessary medical services, to locate within the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ's, in order to urgently meet basic growing healthcare demands of the community.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.10 Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.12
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert new Policy COS8(c)
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new Policy COS8(c) to read:

To review school site provision in the Development Plan, following the publication of full Census 2022 results, cross referencing with class size allocations being used during the period in question, engaging with the Department of Education, the elected members and through submissions by education stakeholders and the general public, so as to ensure accurate and adequate school provision requirements are identified and provided for primary and post primary schools at suitable locations.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.10 Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.13
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS8 Objective 1 – include additional text.
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS8 Objective 1 from:

To reserve and identify early on sites for primary and post-primary provision in developing areas though the Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes and masterplans, in consultation with the Department of Education and Skills and to ensure that designated sites are of sufficient size and are accessible cycle and pedestrian friendly locations, consistent with, consistent with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.21 of the RSES.

To read:

To reserve and identify early on sites for primary and post-primary provision in developing areas though the Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes and masterplans, in consultation with the Department of Education and Skills, to have regard to the 2008 Code of Practice on the Provision of Schools and the Planning System (or any superseding Code of Practice) and to ensure that designated sites are of sufficient size and are accessible cycle and pedestrian friendly locations, consistent with, consistent with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.21 of the RSES.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.10 Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.14
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS8 Objective 2 – include additional text.
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS8 Objective 2 from:

To facilitate the development of new schools, the re-development of existing schools and extensions planned as part of the Government’s School Building Programme.,

To read:

To facilitate the development of new schools ensuring that new school sites are retained for educational use and the re-development of existing schools and extensions planned as part of the Government’s School Building Programme.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.10 Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.15
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS8 Objective 3 – amend text.
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS8 Objective 3 from:

To require that suitable school places are available to new communities, whether at an existing school or a new school. If a new school is required, to ensure that its delivery is planned in tandem with the delivery of the residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required.

To read:

To require that suitable school places are available to schools to be provided in new communities, whether at an existing school or a new school on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of residential development, unless the Department of Education requests otherwise and provides evidence to the Council and the elected members that existing schools can cater for requirements through extensions if necessary. If Assuming a new school is required, to ensure that its delivery is planned in tandem with the delivery of the residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.10 Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.16
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert new  COS8 Objective 11
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new COS8 Objective 11 to read:

To promote and support the use of public sports facilities by urban schools, during school hours, where feasible, while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.10 Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.17
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS8 Objective 12 – insert new Objective
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new Objective COS8 Objective 12 to read:

To promote and support educational campus development, where feasible.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.10 Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.18
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS8 Objective 13 – insert new Objective
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new Objective COS8 Objective 13 to read:

To explore with the Department of Education the potential to develop a GIS mapping layer of all school sites in the County.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.11 Higher Level Education and Further Education Facilities
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.19
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Include additional text in section 8.11
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend text from:

The Tallaght campus of Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) provides higher level education in the County. TU Dublin is a leader in STEM disciplines and provides a range of other learning experiences including in business, media, culinary arts and digital arts. TU Dublin supports lifelong learning and is the largest provider of parttime education in Ireland. It also fosters award-winning technology transfer and business incubation activity and has developed strong international partnerships providing opportunities for student and staff exchange programmes, major cross collaboration research projects, and employment opportunities (see also Chapter 9: Economic Development and Employment).

To read:

The Tallaght campus of Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) provides higher level education in the County. TU Dublin is a leader in STEM disciplines and provides a range of other learning experiences including in business, media, culinary arts and digital arts. TU Dublin supports lifelong learning and is the largest provider of parttime education and apprentice education in Ireland. It also fosters award-winning technology transfer and business incubation activity and has developed strong international partnerships providing opportunities for student and staff exchange programmes, major cross collaboration research projects, and employment opportunities (see also Chapter 9: Economic Development and Employment).

Chapter/ Section Section 8.11 Higher Level Education and Further Education Facilities
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.20
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS9 Objective 2 – amend text
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS9 Objective 2 from:

To facilitate and encourage cross-collaboration between business and employment clusters and TU Dublin Tallaght Campus to drive research and innovation and increase employment opportunity.

To read:

To facilitate and encourage cross-collaboration between business and employment clusters and TU Dublin Tallaght Campus to drive research innovation and increase employment opportunities in the County.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.11 Higher Level Education and Further Education Facilities
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.21
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS9 Objective 4 – include additional text.
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS9 Objective 4 from:

To promote and facilitate the development of Tallaght as a centre for education and employment.

To read:

To promote and facilitate the development of Tallaght as a centre for learning, education

Chapter/ Section Section 8.12 Libraries
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.22
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert COS10 Objective 5
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new COS10 Objective 5 to read:

To provide for a public library to serve the growing Ballycullen, Knocklyon and Firhouse communities and indoor civic space to meet the inter-generational requirements of local communities including performance and exhibition space, indoor sports and artistic, cultural and recreational use.

Chapter/ Section Section 8.13 Arts and Cultural Facilities
Amendment ref. Amendment 8.23
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  COS11 Objective 8 – amend text
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend COS11 Objective 8 from:

To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking account of transport links.

To read:

To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking into account of areas without any such infrastructure, and transport links.


Amendment 8.6 is to be welcomed. The promotion of the provision and management of high-quality, multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County needs to be made in...
Please find attached the Department of Education's submission to the material amendments of the South Dublin CDP 2022-2028
Amendment 8.5 8.4 Social/Community Infrastructure To read: To support the clustering of community facilities such as community centres, sports and leisure...
With regard to amendments 8.3, 8.6 and 8.8, AmCham acknowledges the focus on the promotion of sport within the South Dublin County Council Development Plan. Continued investment, in AmCham’s view, in...
We request an amendment be added to complete a study of community and open spaces in Saggart, following publication of the 2022 census results, given the significant increase in population since the...