Chapter 9: Economic Development and Employment

Closed29 Mar, 2022, 00:00 - 26 Apr, 2022, 23:59

Following are the proposed material amendments to Chapter 9.

Chapter/ Section 9.0.1 Planning Policy Context
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.1
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  9.0.1 Planning Policy Context, second paragraph
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend text under 9.0.1 Planning Policy Context:


Nationally, there is an objective to ‘regenerate and rejuvenate cities, towns and villages of all types and scale as environmental assets, that can accommodate changing roles and functions, increased residential population and employment activity and enhanced levels of amenity and design quality, in order to sustainably influence and support their surrounding area’. This will become increasingly relevant as trends in retail and other sectors continue to change and urban areas look to reinvent themselves to different degrees. The place of funding under the Rural and Urban Regeneration and Development Fund in applying a tailored approach to development is set out in National Policy Objective 7 and South Dublin County has been to the fore in using this funding mechanism to best advantage in Clonburris and Adamstown SDZs and the Naas Road regeneration area.

To read:

Nationally, under NPO 6 there is an objective to ‘regenerate and rejuvenate cities, towns and villages of all types and scale as environmental assets, that can accommodate changing roles and functions, increased residential population and employment activity and enhanced levels of amenity and design quality, in order to sustainably influence and support their surrounding area’. This will become increasingly relevant as trends in retail and other sectors continue to change and urban areas look to reinvent themselves to different degrees. The place of funding under the Rural and Urban Regeneration and Development Fund in applying a tailored approach to development is set out in National Policy Objective 7 and South Dublin County has been to the fore in using this funding mechanism to best advantage in Clonburris and Adamstown SDZs and the Tallaght and Naas Road regeneration area areas.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.2.2 Urban Growth, Regeneration and Placemaking
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.2
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE4 Objective 14
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE4 Objective 14 from:

To prepare a LAP for Clondalkin, the extent of the boundary to be defined, which will be guided by the Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2013 (Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government) or any superseding guidelines and which will incorporate:

  • A vision for the development of Clondalkin.
  • Wider urban design principles.
  • Framework plans for larger infill sites.
  • A Conservation Plan.
  • A local Green Infrastructure strategy derived from the County GI Strategy.
  • Traffic movement study

To read:

To prepare a LAP for Clondalkin, the extent of the boundary to be defined, which will be guided by the Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2013 (Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government) or any superseding guidelines and which will incorporate:

  • A vision for the development of Clondalkin.
  • Wider urban design principles.
  • Framework plans for larger infill sites.
  • A Conservation Plan.
  • A local Green Infrastructure strategy derived from the County GI Strategy.
  • Traffic movement study Local Transport Plan
Chapter/ Section Section 9.2.3 Building on Clusters
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.3
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE5 SLO 2
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE5 SLO 2 from:

To provide for an attractive campus style setting to encourage the investment of hi-tech, hi-tech manufacturing, and research and development enterprise at Grange Castle Business Park.

To read:

To provide for an attractive campus style setting to encourage the investment of hi-tech, hi-tech manufacturing, and research and development enterprise at Grange Castle Business Park, the expansion of which will be subject to a masterplan incorporating a local transport plan in consultation with the NTA and TII.

Proposed amendment 9.3 map

Chapter/ Section Section 9.2.3 Building on Clusters
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.4
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE5 SLO 3
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new EDE5 SLO 3 to read;
'To ensure development on lands within Greenogue Business Park will be subject to site specific flood alleviation measures forming part of any future planning application for these lands.'

Proposed amendment 9.4 map

Chapter/ Section Section 9.3 Space Extensive Land Use
Amendment ref.

Amendment 9.5

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE7 Objective 2
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE7 Objective 2, bullet points 3 and 4 as follows:

To require that space extensive enterprises demonstrate the following:

  • The appropriateness of the site for the proposed use having regard to EDE7 Objective 1;
  • Strong energy efficiency measures to reduce their carbon footprint in support of national targets towards a net zero carbon economy, including renewable energy generation;
  • Maximise on site renewable energy generation to ensure as far as possible 100% powered by renewable energy, where on site demand cannot be met in this way, provide evidence of engagement with power purchase agreements (PPA);
  • Sufficient capacity within the relevant water and wastewater network to accommodate the use proposed;
  • Measures to support the just transition to a circular economy;
  • Measures to facilitate district heating or heat networks where excess heat is produced;
  • A high-quality design approach to buildings which reduces the massing and visual impact;
  • A comprehensive understanding of employment once operational;
  • A comprehensive understanding of levels of traffic to and from the site at construction and operation stage;
  • Provide evidence of sign up to the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact.

To Read:

Amend EDE7 Objective 2, bullet points 3 and 4 as follows:

To require that space extensive enterprises demonstrate the following:

  • The appropriateness of the site for the proposed use having regard to EDE7 Objective 1;
  • Strong energy efficiency measures to reduce their carbon footprint in support of national targets towards a net zero carbon economy, including renewable energy generation;
  • Maximise on site renewable energy generation to ensure as far as possible 100% powered by renewable energy, where on site demand cannot be met in this way, provide evidence of engagement with power purchase agreements in Ireland (PPA);
  • Sufficient capacity within the relevant water and, wastewater and electricity networks to accommodate the use proposed;
  • Measures to support the just transition to a circular economy;
  • Measures to facilitate district heating or heat networks where excess heat is produced;
  • A high-quality design approach to buildings which reduces the massing and visual impact;
  • A comprehensive understanding of employment once operational;
  • A comprehensive understanding of levels of traffic to and from the site at construction and operation stage;

Provide evidence of sign up to the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.4.2 Retail Hierarchy
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.6
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Table 9.2 Settlement Hierarchy and Retail Hierarchy
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend text from:

Table 9.2 Settlement Hierarchy and Retail Hierarchy, Firhouse Shopping Centre Level 3

To Read:

Table 9.2 Settlement Hierarchy and Retail Hierarchy, Firhouse Shopping Centre Level 3Level 4

Chapter/ Section Section 9.4.2 Retail Hierarchy
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.7
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Table 9.2 Settle Hierarchy and Retail Hierarchy
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new text below within Table 9.2 below Lucan Shopping Centre:

Palmerstown Shopping Centre, Level 4, District Centre

Chapter/ Section Section 9.4.4 Additional Retail Floorspace and Sequential Growth
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.8
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Section 9.4.4 Third Paragraph
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend text from:

The capacity for retail developments on the Tallaght LAP lands and the planned SDZ lands at Adamstown and Clonburris align with planned population growth and are considered to be sufficient to accommodate population growth and the expenditure needs of these areas. The SDZ District Centres will reflect a higher density urban environment and will cater for a varied range of comparison shopping, including the possibility of anchor department stores on main shopping streets, some leisure activities and a range of cafes and restaurants and other mixed uses. They provide for at least one supermarket and ancillary food stores alongside financial and other retail services.

To Read:

The capacity for retail developments on the Tallaght LAP lands and the planned SDZ lands at Adamstown and Clonburris align with planned population growth and are considered to be sufficient to accommodate population growth and the expenditure needs of these areas. The SDZ District Centres will reflect a higher density urban environment and will cater for a varied range of comparison shopping, including the possibility of anchor department stores on main shopping streets, some leisure activities and a range of cafes and restaurants and other mixed uses. They provide for at least one supermarket and ancillary food stores alongside financial and other retail services.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.3 Clondalkin
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.9
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE11 Objective 3
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE11 Objective 3 from:

To promote and encourage the development/redevelopment of the identified retail/mixed use opportunity and other sites in the Core Retail Area of Clondalkin, including the Mill Centre lands, ensuring connectivity between sites and the town centre, to serve the established and growing catchment population.

To Read:

To promote and encourage the enhancement and development/redevelopment of the identified retail/mixed use opportunity and other sites in the Core Retail Area of Clondalkin, including the Mill Centre lands, ensuring connectivity between sites and the town centre, to serve the established and growing catchment population.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.5.4 District Centre
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.10
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE12 Objective 3
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE12 Objective 3 from:

To support and facilitate the development of new District Centres of an appropriate urban scale at Adamstown and Clonburris in accordance with approved Planning Schemes which should provide a sustainable retail mix including department stores and shopping centres that facilitates walking, cycling and use of public transport and reduces car journeys outside the SDZ for many retail needs.

To read:

To support and facilitate the development of new District Centres of an appropriate urban scale at Adamstown and Clonburris in accordance with approved Planning Schemes which should having regard to the need to provide a sustainable retail mix including department stores and shopping centres that facilitates walking, cycling and the use of public transport and reduces car journeys outside the SDZ for many retail needs.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.5.6 Local Centres
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.11
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE14 SLO1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert EDE14 SLO1 to read:

To support the redevelopment of 3.27ha on lands zoned LC to the southeast corner of the Spawell Sports and Leisure Centre, Wellington Lane, Templeogue to provide for sports club/facility and for uses indicated as permitted in principle under the LC zoning other than residential and petrol station and limiting retail provision in the form of shop local or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 5 units which may include a supermarket of no larger than 800sqm gross retail floor area. 

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.12
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Section 9.9, Paragraph 3
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend Section 9.9, Paragraph 3 from:

In continuing the positive working relationships through the Dublin Tourism Working Group with Fáilte Ireland to make the best use of the ‘Grow Dublin’ tourism project and the ‘Dublin - Surprising By Nature’ marketing concept, South Dublin County can develop a distinctive range of tourism products that will complement those of other parts of Dublin and generate substantial socio-economic benefits for the County.

To Read:

In continuing the positive working relationships through the Dublin Tourism Working Group with Fáilte Ireland to make the best use of the 'Grow Dublin' tourism project and the 'Dublin-Surprising By Nature' marketing concept brand, South Dublin County can develop a distinctive range of tourism products that will complement those of other parts of Dublin and generate substantial socio-economic benefits for the County.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.13
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE19 Objective 1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE19 Objective 1 from:

To support the development of tourism infrastructure, attractions, activities and facilities at appropriate locations subject to sensitive design and demonstrated environmental safeguards.

To Read:

To support the development of tourism infrastructure, attractions, activities, accommodation and facilities at appropriate locations subject to sensitive design and demonstrated environmental safeguards.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.14
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE19 Objective 2
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE19 Objective 2 from:

To direct tourist facilities into established centres, in particular town and village centres, where they can contribute to the wider economic vitality of urban centres.

To Read:

To primarily direct tourist facilities into established centres, in particular town and village centres, where they can contribute to the wider economic vitality of urban centres.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.15
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE19 Objective 3
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE19 Objective 3 from:

To support the development of the Dublin Mountains Visitor Centre at Hell Fire and Massy’s Wood in accordance with permission granted by An Bord Pleanála in June 2020 or any amending permissions.

To Read:

To support the development of the Dublin Mountains Visitor Centre at Hell Fire and Massy’s Wood in accordance with permissions granted by An Bord Pleanála in June 2020 or any amending permissions subject to planning.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref.

Amendment 9.16

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend EDE19 Objective 4
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

To amend EDE19 Objective 4 from:
To support tourism-related enterprises along existing and proposed Green Routes, including greenways, subject to sensitive design and development safeguards.

To Read:
To support tourism-related enterprises
at appropriate locations along existing and proposed Green Routes, including greenways, which do not impact on environmental sensitivities and subject to development safeguards

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.17
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  New Objective EDE19 Objective 5
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new objective EDE19 Objective 5 to read:

To continue to engage and collaborate with tourism stakeholders including Fáilte Ireland to deliver on the Tourism objectives for the County.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.18
Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Amend Policy EDE20

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

To amend EDE 20 Greenways, Trails and Loops Policy from:

Support and facilitate the development of an integrated network of Greenways (combined off road cycle and walking routes) and Trails (walking routes) along suitable corridors, with local connections to villages and attractions and to take account of the environmental sensitivities along these corridors.

To Read:

‘Support and facilitate the development of an integrated network of Greenways (combined off road cycle and walking routes) and Trails (walking routes) along suitable corridors, with local connections to villages and attractions and to take account of the environmental sensitivities along these corridors and actively promote public awareness of the location and availability of these resources'

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.19
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE20 Objective 1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE20 Objective 1 from:

To support and facilitate the development of an integrated network of Greenways, Greenway Loops and Urban Greenways to encourage active travel across the County, subject to environmental considerations.

To Read:

To support and facilitate the development of an integrated network of Greenways, Greenway Loops and Urban Greenways to encourage tourism and active travel across the County, subject to environmental considerations.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.20
Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Amend Policy EDE20 Objective 2

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

To Amend EDE20 Objective 2 from: 

To support the development of local tourist and heritage trails at suitable locations including across the Dublin Mountains, and between and within Brittas-Saggart-Rathcoole; Clondalkin; Lucan; Newcastle-Lyons; Rathfarnham; and Tallaght and seek to make such trails interactive through the use of sensitive signage and the further development of mobile application software ensuring in HA DM that all such trails are sensitively landscaped and designed to ensure positive impact on biodiversity and visual amenity. 


To support the development of local tourist and heritage trails at suitable locations including across the Dublin Mountains, and between and within Brittas-Saggart-Rathcoole; Clondalkin; Lucan; Newcastle-Lyons; Ballyboden; Rathfarnham; and Tallaght and seek to make such trails interactive through the use of sensitive signage and the further development of mobile application software ensuring in HA DM that all such trails are sensitively landscaped and designed to ensure positive impact on biodiversity and visual amenity. 

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.21
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE21 Objective 4
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE21 Objective 4 from:

To implement signage in the County in accordance with the Tourism and Signage Strategies for the County, to include consideration of information signage on nature and other features to be found along the rivers in the County at strategic locations.

To Read:

To implement signage in the County in accordance with the Tourism and Signage Strategies for the County, to include consideration of information signage on nature, geology and other features to be found along the rivers in the County at strategic locations and at other strategic locations within the County.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.22
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE21 SLO1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE21 SLO1 from:

To facilitate leisure, recreation, outdoor activities, sporting pursuit centre, accommodation and tourism activity at Woodlands Manor House and lands at Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham in line with Dublin Mountains High Amenity Land Use Zoning subject to environmental assessments, visual assessment, topographical detail, conservation assessments and due consideration being given to ensuring sensitive design and conservation of historical, architectural and archaeological features of the existing buildings and land.

To Read:

To facilitate leisure, recreation, outdoor activities, sporting pursuit centre, accommodation and tourism activity at Woodtownlands Manor House and lands at Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham in line with Dublin Mountains High Amenity Land Use Zoning subject to environmental assessments, visual assessment, topographical detail, conservation assessments and due consideration being given to ensuring sensitive design and conservation of historical, architectural and archaeological features of the existing buildings and land.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9.1 Public Rights of Way
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.23
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Section 9.9.1 
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Include a public right of way on the Green Infrastructure maps of the County Development Plan. The public right of way to be shown in Lucan, from the Main Road running down the slip (Watery Lane) between the old St. Andrew’s primary school house to the west and a commercial building to the east leading to the River Liffey walkway as far as the western side of the Liffey bridge to exit at street level on the southern side of the bridge.

To list the public right of way as described above in section 9.9.1 under a new heading to read ‘List of mapped Public Rights of Way’ as follows:

List of Public Rights of Way

Public rights of way listed below are identified on the Green Infrastructure maps.

Lucan Weir - from the Main Road in the Village running down the slip (Watery Lane) between the old St. Andrew’s primary school house to the west and a commercial building to the east leading to the River Liffey walkway, as far as the western side of the Liffey bridge to exit at street level on the southern side of the bridge.

Amendment 9.17 map

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9.2 Permissive Access Routes
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.24
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend EDE24 Objective 2
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

To amend EDE24 Objective 2 from:

To promote and facilitate the continued development of the Dublin Mountains Way and the Wicklow Way in association with the Dublin Mountains Partnership, particularly Permissive Access Routes that provide access to regional and local networks of walking, running, hiking and mountain bike trails and other recreational facilities provided that such routes/trails and their use does not significantly impact on environmentally sensitive sites.

To Read:

‘To promote and facilitate the continued development of the Dublin Mountains Way and the Wicklow Way in association with the Dublin Mountains Partnership, particularly Permissive Access Routes that provide access to regional and local networks of walking, running, hiking and mountain bike trails and other recreational facilities provided that such routes/trails and their use does not significantly impact on environmentally sensitive sites and to liaise with Coillte as appropriate'.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.9.2 Permissive Access Routes
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.25
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  EDE24 Objective 4
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE24 Objective 4 from:

To bring mountain amenities closer to residential communities by promoting the establishment of a network of formal footpaths, off-road paths and cycleways that facilitate casual walkers and cyclists.

To Read:

EDE24 Objective 4: To bring mountain amenities closer to residential communities by promoting the establishment of a network of formal footpaths, off-road paths and cycleways that facilitate casual walkers and cyclists, subject to considering any environmental impacts through the appropriate environmental assessments.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.10 Quarries and Mineral Extraction
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.26
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Section 9.10 Text
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new text at the bottom of Section 9.10 to read:

The location of registered quarries under the Planning and Development Acts is indicated on the Development Plan maps. The mapping of a quarry location does not indicate its current planning status.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.10 Quarries and Mineral Extraction
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.27
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend EDE25 Objective 1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend EDE25 Objective 1 from:

To facilitate mineral extraction in suitable locations subject to the protection of amenity and environmental quality, including air quality and noise pollution.

To Read:

To facilitate mineral extraction in suitable locations subject to the protection of amenity and environmental quality, including air quality and noise pollution and having regard to the Geological Heritage Guidelines for the Extractive Industry’ (GSI and Concrete Federation of Ireland, 2008).

Chapter/ Section Section 9.10 Quarries and Mineral Extraction
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.28
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  New objective EDE25 Objective 4
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new objective EDE25 Objective 4 to read:

To ensure enforcement against unauthorised quarry development and of conditions applied to permitted quarry development and consider action under Section 35 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) where appropriate.

Chapter/ Section Section 9.10 Quarries and Mineral Extraction
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.29
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  New objective EDE25 Objective 5
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new objective EDE25 Objective 5 to read:

To ensure that where new development is proposed in close proximity to authorised quarries, consideration is given to the safeguarding of valuable unworked deposits for future extraction.

Chapter/ Section Draft Plan Maps
Amendment ref. Amendment 9.30
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Map Changes Quarries
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend Draft Plan maps to show the location of registered quarries within the County.

Proposed amendment 9.23a map

Proposed amendment 9.23b map

Proposed amendment 9.23c map

Proposed amendment 9.23d map

Proposed amendment 9.23e map

Proposed amendment 9.23f map



Amend 9.8 Query why the removal of anchor Dept stores at street level is being proposed ? We support the active support for smaller, independent traders and shops in the Tallaght LAP area....
This submission relates to proposed Material Amendment nos. 9.8 and 9.10, which our client supports.
References to "Naas Road regeneration area" need to be updated to "City Edge Regeneration Area"