Part 8 at Site at Grange Cottage, Grand Canal Lucan, Co. Dublin

Closed4 Apr, 2024, 00:00 - 16 May, 2024, 00:00

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Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended)

Notice of Proposed Development By A Local Authority


Location: Site at Grange Cottage, Grand Canal Lucan, Co. Dublin


Nature & Extent of the Proposed Development:


Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposal to construct the following scheme by South Dublin County Council:

The proposed development consists of a change of use and modifications to Grange Cottage (also known as Beattie’s cottage) which is a protected structure RPS Ref: 120 from residential to a mixed-use development which includes a childcare facility, café, events space, artist’s studios, shop, and clubhouse. The development also includes a small footbridge connecting the development to the existing car parking area in Grange Castle Business Park. An Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment is included as part of this application.

The proposed Part 8 development has undergone Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening under Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended). No likely significant effects were identified during the AA and EIA Screening processes, or during an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) prepared for the proposed development. Therefore, there is no requirement to proceed to the next stage of AA or for a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) to be produced. In addition, the proposed development is not a type of development that triggers the requirement for an EIA and subsequent preparation of an EIA Report as per the prescribed classes of development and thresholds set out in Schedule 5 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended). Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.


The plans and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection online on the Councils Public Consultation Portal website ( during the period: 4th of April 2024 to 16th May 2024.



Submissions or observations in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made as follows:

Online at up to 11.59pm on Thursday 16th May 2024


Written submissions not later than 5.00pm, on Thursday 16th May 2024 to: Senior Executive Officer, Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Submissions should be labelled “Grange Cottage”.


NOTE: Please make your submission by one medium only. Only submissions received by Thursday 16th May 2024 and addressed as set out above, will be considered. Submissions cannot be accepted in any other format or to any other postal address. Submissions and observations should state the name, address, and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc. which you represent.


Signed: Director of Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development

South Dublin County Council




Part 8

