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Chapter 11: Infrastructure and Environmental Services
Closed7 Jul, 2021, 08:30 - 15 Sep, 2021, 23:59
Create an environment characterised by high quality infrastructure networks and environmental services to ensure the health and wellbeing of those who live and work in the County, securing also the economic future of the County.
11.0 Introduction
The quality of our environment has implications for our health and wellbeing. The availability of high-quality infrastructure networks and environmental services is critical to securing economic investment, creating sustainable and attractive places, in ensuring health and well-being, and in safeguarding the environment.
11.0.1 Climate Action
High level policy at European and national level reflects the role that a high-quality environment has in achieving our climate change targets and maintaining the health of the planet. Through sustainable planning we can ensure that our environment is a key element in our consideration of growth and development, at a strategic level and at the individual site level.
Download Chapter 11 [PDF]
We believe our previous comments on tree / hedge management are also relevent here, having mentioned them in chapters 4 and 6 previously.
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