05 sheet_Map 04

Closed7 Jul, 2021, 08:30 - 15 Sep, 2021, 23:59

Map Sheet 4

Click on map to enlarge and zoom



Please find attached copy of Castlethorn Construction Submission with respect to Lands to the south and southwest of Adamstown on Map No's 3 & 4
Our clients strongly oppose the proposed zoning of their service station at Nangor Road
Please see attached submission
The lands highlighted on sheet map 04, highlighted in yellow in the attached are zoned EE despite being residential. The land in question sits between the Green Isle Business Park(part of which is...
The lands which are the subject of this submission equate to two different portions of lands that are 1.3ha. and 20.6ha. in area that are generally located to the immediate south and south-west of...