Chapter 11: Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Dúnta29 Már, 2022, 12:00am - 26 Aib, 2022, 11:59pm

Following are the proposed material amendments to Chapter 11.

Chapter/ Section Section 11.1.3 Wastewater
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.1
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Replace Figure 11.0
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Replace Figure 11.0 from:

Figure 11.0 map


Proposed amendment 11.1 map

Chapter/ Section Section 11.1.3 Wastewater
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.2
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE2 Objective 2
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE2 Objective 2 from:

To support Irish Water in delivering key water service projects in the County including:

  • The Eastern and Midlands Region Water Supply Project.
  • Saggart Reservoir.
  • Upgrade of the 9B foul sewer.
  • Upgrade of the Dodder Valley Sewerage Scheme and work with Irish Water to tackle quickly the problems created by capacity issues regarding the Dodder Valley Sewer and in particular to encourage a pro-active response to surcharging into Dodder Valley Park to resolve the issue and mitigate the impacts on water quality, biodiversity, amenity and public health.
  • Upgrades to regional networks and treatment.

To read:

To support Irish Water in delivering key water service projects in the County including:

  • The Eastern and Midlands Region Water Supply Project The Water Supply Project Eastern and Midlands Region
  • Saggart Reservoir.
  • Upgrade of the 9B foul sewer.
  • Upgrade of the Dodder Valley Sewerage Scheme and work with Irish Water to tackle quickly the problems created by capacity issues regarding the Dodder Valley Sewer and in particular to encourage a pro-active response to surcharging into Dodder Valley Park to resolve the issue and mitigate the impacts on water quality, biodiversity, amenity and public health.
  • Upgrades to regional networks and treatment.
Chapter/ Section Section 11.2.1  Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.3
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert IE3 Objective 8
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new objective IE3 Objective 8 to read:

IE3 Objective 8: Integrate Surface Water and Groundwater systems as an essential component of all new developments, in accordance with the requirements set out in Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring and the policies and objectives of this chapter.

Chapter/ Section Section 11.3.1 Riparian Corridors
Amendment ref.

Amendment 11.4

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE4 Objective 1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE4 Objective 1 from:

IE4 Objective 1: To require site specific flood risk assessments to be undertaken for all new developments within the County in accordance with The Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2009) and the requirements of DECLG Circular P12/2014 and the EU Floods Directive.

To read:

IE4 Objective 1: To require site specific flood risk assessments to be undertaken for all new developments within the County in accordance with The Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2009) and the requirements of DECLG Circular P12/2014 and the EU Floods Directive and Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring and the policies and objectives of this chapter.

Chapter/ Section Section 11.3.1 Riparian Corridors
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.5
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE4 Objective 3
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE4 Objective 3 from: 

To continue to support and co-operate with the Office of Public Works in delivering the relevant Catchment-Based Flood Risk Assessment and Management Programme. 

To Read: 

To continue to support and co-operate with the Office of Public Works in delivering the relevant Catchment-Based Flood Risk Assessment and Management Programme. measures set out in in the relevant Flood Risk Management Plan. 

Chapter/ Section Section 11.3.1 Riparian Corridors
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.6
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE4 Objective 4
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE4 Objective 4 from:
To support and facilitate the delivery of flood alleviation schemes in South Dublin County, including the schemes listed, and to ensure that zoning or development proposals do not impede or prevent the progression of these measures:

  • Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme. 
  • Camac Flood Alleviation Scheme. 
  • Whitechurch Flood Alleviation Scheme 
  • Lucan to Chapelizod Flood Alleviation Scheme

To Read:
To support and facilitate the delivery of flood alleviation schemes in South Dublin County, including the schemes listed,
in as environmentally sensitive a way as possible and to ensure that zoning or development proposals do not impede or prevent the progression of these measures:

  • Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme. 
  • Camac Flood Alleviation Scheme. 
  • Whitechurch Flood Alleviation Scheme 
  • Lucan to Chapelizod Flood Alleviation Scheme
Chapter/ Section New Section 11.5 Electricity Infrastructure
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.7
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert New Section, Policy and Objectives 11.5 Electricity Infrastructure
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert new Section 11.5 Electricity Infrastructure, with Policy and Objectives to read:

Section 11.5 Electricity Infrastructure

In line with government policy, the development of energy networks in a safe and secure way to meet projected demand levels and to ensure a long-term, sustainable and competitive energy future for Ireland will be critical to our economy and to enabling the relevant grid connections for renewable energy. The protection of existing networks as well as expansion, where necessary, will enable energy service providers to deliver their statutory function. It is recognised that natural gas, particularly renewable and indigenous gas, will have a role to play in the transition to a low carbon economy. As such, renewable energy developments may require support from such sources in times of high energy demand

Policy IE6 Electricity Infrastructure

Protect the existing electricity infrastructure and support the development of a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity and the development of enhanced electricity networks as well as new transmission infrastructure projects subject to the relevant environmental assessments.

IE6 Objective 1: To support roll-out of the Smart Grids and Smart Cities Action Plan enabling new connections, grid balancing, energy management and micro grid development in line with RPO 10.19.

IE6 Objective 2: To support the reinforcement and strengthening of the electricity transmission and distribution network to facilitate planned growth and transmission/distribution of a renewable energy focused generation in line with RPO 10.22

IE6 Objective 3: To support the sustainable development of Ireland’s offshore renewable energy resources in accordance with the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources ‘Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan’ and any successor thereof including any associated domestic and international grid connection enhancements in line with RPO 10.24

IE6 Objective 4: To ensure that the design of energy networks achieves the least possible environmental impact and that where such impacts are inevitable, they are mitigated to the greatest possible extent.

IE6 Objective 5: To protect existing infrastructure and strategic route corridors, where they have gone through appropriate social, environmental and cultural impact assessment, for identified energy networks from encroachment by development that might compromise the performance of the networks.


Chapter/ Section Section 11.6 Waste Management
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.8
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE6 Objective 6
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE6 Objective 6 from:

To continue to roll out a countywide network of green waste centres in suitable locations to expand the collection system for compostable waste.

To read:

To continue to roll out a countywide network of green waste centres in suitable locations to expand the To ensure that green waste centres are provided in suitable locations to augment the local house to house collection systems for compostable waste.

Chapter/ Section 11.6.3 Light
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.9
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE7 Objective 6
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE7 Objective 6 from:

IE7 Objective 6: To ensure external lighting schemes minimise light spillage or pollution in the immediate surrounding environment and do not adversely impact on residential or visual amenity and biodiversity in the surrounding areas.

To read:

To ensure external lighting schemes minimise light spillage or pollution in the immediate surrounding environment and do not adversely impact on residential or visual amenity and biodiversity in the surrounding areas having regard to the Institute of Lighting Engineers’ Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Light Pollution (UK). (see section 13.9.3 (iii))

Chapter/ Section 11.8 Airports and Aerodromes
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.10
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE8 Objective 4
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE8 Objective 4 from:

To prohibit and restrict development in the environs of Casement aerodrome, where it may cause a safety hazard. In general, no development shall be permitted in the public safety zone. (See also Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring).

To Read:

To prohibit and restrict development in the environs of Casement Aerodrome, where it may cause a safety hazard. (See also Policy IE13 Public Safety Zones, and Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring).”

Chapter/ Section 11.8 Airports and Aerodromes
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.11
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE9 Objective 1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE9 Objective 1 from:

IE9 Objective 1: To ensure the safety of air traffic to and from Weston Airport with full regard for the safety of persons on the ground as well as the necessity for causing the least possible inconvenience to local communities.


To safeguard air traffic to and from Weston Airport while ensuring the least possible inconvenience to local communities and with full regard for the safety of persons on the ground. (see also section 11.7.7 Public Safety Zones)

Chapter/ Section 11.8 Airports and Aerodromes
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.12
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend IE9 Objective 4
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend IE9 Objective 4 from:

To restrict any further effective lengthening of the operational runway or over-run areas, until such time that the status of the current runway is regularised and full environmental assessments including noise and impact on local communities are carried out.

To read:

To restrict any further effective lengthening of the operational runway or over-run areas, until such time that the status of the current runway is regularised and full environmental assessments including noise and impact on local communities are carried out.

To ensure a balanced approach to any further lengthening of the permitted runway or over-run areas having regard to the need for environmental and other assessments including noise and assessment of the impact on local communities.

Chapter/ Section 11.8 Airports and Aerodromes
Amendment ref.

Amendment 11.13

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert new Policy IE13 Public Safety Zones and Related Objectives
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert Policy IE13 and Objectives to read:

Policy IE13: Public Safety Zones

Improve protection for the public on the ground, in the event of an aircraft crash occurring, through the provision of Inner and Outer Public Safety Zones around airports

IE13 Objective 1: To prohibit new development which would involve additional human occupancy within the Inner Public Safety Zones (PSZ) at Weston and Casement Aerodromes as identified on the Development Plan maps.

IE13 Objective 2: To limit all new development in the new Outer Public Safety Zones at Weston and Casement Aerodromes to development with occupancies per half hectare of – 60 persons or less for housing/residential, 85 persons or less for retail or leisure, 110 persons or less for working premises, and with a prohibition (in the Outer Public Safety Zones) on sports stadia, and on any new sensitive/institutional development such as schools or medical facilities, and on any new development involving 24-hour occupancy such as retirement homes.

IE13 Objective 3: To review, as appropriate, Public Safety Zone dimensions and occupancy limits in accordance with actual and predicted air traffic figures and with regard for any recommended international airport Public Safety Zone practice.

Chapter/ Section 11.8 Airports and Aerodromes
Amendment ref.

Amendment 11.14

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend Section 13.9.3 (iii) Lighting
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend Section 13.9.3 (iii) Lighting to read:

13.9.3(iii) Lighting (page 590)

Co-ordination of Landscape Proposals and Public Lighting (and other utilities)

The co-ordination of proposed Landscape Plans and Public Lighting Plans (and other utilities) to include Environmental Zones, where applicable, will be required from the pre-planning stage all the way through the planning application process to compliance. This is to ensure that all landscape proposals and public lighting on site are practical, viable and compatible.

All residential developments above 5 residential units and all other proposed developments shall submit a full lighting plan.  This shall be a co-ordinated plan showing the proposed landscape plan, public lighting and other services and any environmental/ecological related requirements and that these are prepared in accordance with industry best practice and in compliance with:

  • The most up to date edition of EN13201
  • Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP) Guidance Note 1 The Reduction of Obtrusive Light, 2020
  • Relevant documents of the Society of Light and Lighting
  • South Dublin County Council’s Public Lighting Specification, 2016, (as updated),

Lighting should be designed to minimise light pollution and should be designed to avoid light spillage, the creation of glare or the emission of light above a horizontal plane.

External lighting schemes and illuminated signage on commercial and industrial premises, sports grounds, and other community facilities, should be designed, installed and operated so as to prevent nuisance to adjoining occupiers and road users, in the interests of amenity and public safety.

Where sites are environmentally sensitive, a lighting plan for Environmental Zones will be required.

Environmental Zones for Lighting Plan

The success of lighting design will rely heavily on striking the right balance between light and dark over the various areas of lands concerned and their immediate contexts,

The proposals should ensure appropriate levels of light and dark throughout the site to respond to ecological surveys, the conditions on site, the proposals for the site and the need to protect biodiversity and provide appropriate levels of lighting for public safety. 

The proposals should provide for the mitigation of proposed lit areas, where appropriate.  This can include variations in light levels and intensity and other mitigation measures such as light direction, cowling, light colour and so on. 

Where applicable, the provisions of the “Institute of Lighting Professionals” Guidance Document Note. 8 Bats and Artificial Lighting, 2018, shall be applied: 

  • Bat sensitive lighting installations to be managed/mitigated by dynamic lighting systems. Warm White (2,700K) lanterns may be used in designated bat sensitive areas only.  In assessing planning applications or preparing plans, the avoidance and mitigation measures as outlined in the Guidance Document Note 8, referred to above, are advised to be incorporated at the earliest stage of development and lighting designs.

In general, non-vehicular routes through green spaces should be lit only if they are permeability routes, outside designated dark zones and lighting is agreed with the public realm section as well as the public lighting section of the Council.  The above is subject to assessment regarding the sensitivity of ecology in the area. 

Chapter/ Section 11.8 Airports and Aerodromes
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.15
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend Section 13.9.5
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend referrals/consultation section of Section 13.9.5 Aviation, Airports and Aerodromes, bullet one to read:


  •  Development under aerodrome approach surfaces and take-off climb surfaces


  •    Development within the outline of the aerodromes Conical Surfaces and Approach Surfaces.
Chapter/ Section 11.8 Airports and Aerodromes
Amendment ref. Amendment 11.16
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Maps Changes relating to Aviation
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend the Draft Plan as follows:

  • Map corrections to the Approach and Take-off Climb Surfaces beside runway 28. Both will be moved by 180m to the west (Approach: 60m from displaced Threshold 29, take-off: 60 m from the end of paving).

Amendment 11.16 map

Electricity infrastructure is an important consideration within the South Dublin County Council Development Plan. In this context, AmCham believes the insertion of a new section ‘Policy and...
Please see attached.
The electricity transmission grid’s importance in supporting our society and economy cannot be understated. EirGrid notes and welcomes reference and emphasis placed on electricity transmission in the...