Chapter 5: Quality Design and Placemaking

Dúnta29 Már, 2022, 12:00am - 26 Aib, 2022, 11:59pm

Following are the proposed material amendments to Chapter 5.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.0 Introduction
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.1
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Text Change – 5.0
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Text change as follows:


It is the aim of this plan to achieve an efficient use of land with a focus on key urbancentres, and to achieve development densities that can support vibrant, compact, walkable places that prioritise pedestrian movement. The implementation of such measures requires a compact development form and when successfully achieved can play a significant role in climate action, reducing the need for car-based travel and carbon emissions while also facilitating opportunities for the use of more sustainable and renewable energy sources.

To read:

It is the aim of this plan to achieve an efficient use of land with a focus on key urban centres, and to achieve development densities that can support vibrant, compact, walkable places that prioritise pedestrian movement walking and cycling. The implementation of such measures requires a compact development form and when successfully achieved can play a significant role in climate action, reducing the need for car-based travel and carbon emissions while also facilitating opportunities for the use of more sustainable and renewable energy sources.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.2.2 Context
Amendment ref.

Amendment 5.2

Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Amend QDP3 Objective 8

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend QDP3 Objective 8 as follows:


QDP3 Objective 8: To only consider buildings of a reasonable/appropriate height in our heritage villages and that this is in line with current buildings and is sympathetic to the makeup of these heritage villages.

 To read:

QDP3 Objective 8: To only consider buildings of a reasonable/appropriate height in our heritage villages and that this is in line with current existing buildings and is sympathetic to the makeup of these heritage villages.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.2.4 Connected Neighbourhoods (Short Distance Neighbourhoods)
Amendment ref:

Amendment 5.3

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend QDP5 Objective 1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend QDP5 Objective 1 as follows:


QDP5 Objective 1: To improve the accessibility of all identified centres (see Chapter 9 table 9.2) from the surrounding catchment area through public transport provision, sustainable transport infrastructure, incorporating high quality local linkages between public transport stops, cycle parking and car park facilities and the various attractions within each identified centre (see Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement and Chapter 12 Our Neighbourhoods for further details).

 To read:

QDP5 Objective 1: To improve the accessibility of all identified centres (see Chapter 9 table 9.2) from the surrounding catchment area through public transport provision, sustainable transport infrastructure including cycling and walking, incorporating high quality local linkages between public transport stops, cycle parking and car park facilities and the various attractions within each identified centre (see Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement and Chapter 12 Our Neighbourhoods for further details).

Chapter/ Section Section 5.2.5 Public Realm
Amendment ref.

Amendment 5.4

Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Amend QDP6 Objective 5

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend QDP6 Objective 5 as follows:


To co-ordinate the development of the private and public space in Palmerstown Village by ensuring that any project works by third parties are used as an opportunity for SDCC to improve and enhance the streetscape and that SDCC liaise with utility providers so that all unnecessary footpath poles are removed and all electrical and other overhead cables, currently a blight on the Village landscape, are put underground at the earliest opportunity.

 To read:

To co-ordinate the development of the private and public space in Palmerstown and other villages by ensuring that any project works by third parties are used as an opportunity for SDCC to improve and enhance the streetscape and that SDCC liaise with utility providers so that all unnecessary footpath poles are removed and all electrical and other overhead cables, currently a blight on the Village landscapes, are put underground at the earliest opportunity.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.2.5 Public Realm
Amendment ref.

Amendment 5.5

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend QDP6 Objective 7
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend QDP6 Objective 7 as follows:


QDP6 Objective 7: To ensure, in so far as is practical, that all boundary walls in new residential developments are of a similar height where they are bordered on either side by a public footpath or an area that has been or is due to be taken-in-charge.

To read:

QDP6 Objective 7: To ensure, in so far as is practical, that all boundary walls in new residential developments are of a similar height and of a high quality where they are bordered on either side by a public footpath or an area that has been or is due to be taken-in-charge in order to leverage the opportunity to improve the quality of boundary treatments.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.2.5 Public Realm
Amendment ref.

Amendment 5.6

Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert New Objective QDP6 Objective 8
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert New Objective QDP6 Objective 8 as follows:

To read:

QDP6 Objective 8:
To ensure, in cooperation with the NTA and relevant agencies, that projects which affect the public realm will consider fully the needs of pedestrian, cyclists and public transport users, and that transport schemes complement any public realm objectives.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.2.6 High Quality Design
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.7
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Amend last sentence of first paragraph
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend last sentence of first paragraph


All proposals for new development must demonstrate how the proposal constitutes a positive urban design response to the local context and how it contributes to healthy placemaking and the identity of an area.

To read:

All proposals for new development must demonstrate how the proposal constitutes a positive urban design response to the local context, leveraging improvements to the local standards where required, and how it contributes to healthy placemaking and the identity of an area.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.2.8 Mix of Dwelling Types
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.8
Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Amend QDP10 Objective 1

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend QDP10 Objective 1 as follows:


QDP10 Objective 1: To ensure that new residential developments provide for a wide variety of housing types, sizes and tenures in line with the South Dublin County Housing Strategy 2022-2028.

To read:

QDP10 Objective 1: To ensure that all new residential developments provide for a wide variety of housing types, sizes and tenures in line with the South Dublin County Housing Strategy 2022-2028.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.4 Plans/Frameworks
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.9
Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Amend Policy QDP13

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend Policy QDP13 as follows


Policy QDP13: Plans/Frameworks – General

Continue to work closely with all infrastructure providers to ensure the timely delivery of social, community, economic and sustainable transportation infrastructure in tandem with new residential development and in accordance with the provisions of the County Development Plan or any Local Area Plan, SDZ Planning Scheme or framework/masterplan in place in the area.

 To read:

Policy QDP13: Plans/Frameworks – General

Continue to work closely with all infrastructure providers to ensure the timely delivery of social, community, economic and sustainable transportation infrastructure in tandem with new residential development and in accordance with the provisions of the County Development Plan or any Local Area Plan, SDZ Planning Scheme, other strategic land designations or framework/masterplan in place in the area.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.4.1 Local Area Plans
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.10
Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Insert New QDP14 Objective 5

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert New QDP14 Objective X as follows:

To read:

QDP14 Objective 5

To prepare a Local Area Plan for Saggart.

Chapter/ Section Section 5.4.1 Local Area Plans
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.11
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  Insert New QDP14 Objective 6
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert New QDP14 Objective X as follows:

To read:

QDP14 Objective 6

To require a Local Transport Plan to be carried out as part of any LAP preparation process, commensurate to the scale of the LAP. The Local Transport Plan/Local Area Plan will be subject to screening for AA and SEA

Chapter/ Section Section 5.4.1 Local Area Plans
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.12
Page no.


Policy/Objective No.  QDP14 SLO1
Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Amend QDP14 SLO1 as follows:


To ensure the sustainable long-term growth of Citywest that promotes and facilitates the development of the Citywest/Fortunestown area in accordance with the Fortunestown Local Area Plan ensuring that phasing is not contravened and that appropriate levels of services, social and sports infrastructure, facilities and economic activity is met to meet the needs of the current and future population growth.

To read:

To ensure the sustainable long-term growth of Citywest that continues to promote and facilitate the development of the Citywest/Fortunestown area in accordance with the phasing set out in the Fortunestown Local Area Plan 2012-2022 (as extended) or any superseding LAP, and that appropriate levels of services, social and sports infrastructure, facilities and economic activity is met to meet the needs of the current and future population growth. 

Chapter/ Section 5.4.3 Framework/Masterplans
Amendment ref. Amendment 5.13
Page no.


Policy/Objective No. 

Insert New objective under QDP16 Objective 4

Text/Policy/Objective Amendment Wording 

Insert New QDP16 Objective 4 as follows:

To read:

QDP16 Objective 4:

To consider the need for a Local Transport Plan to be prepared as part of any Framework/Masterplan, commensurate to the scale of the Framework/Masterplan.  The Framework/Masterplan will be subject to screening for AA and SEA.


Please find attached our comments on 3 x Chapter 5 amends. We request they are taken into account when considering the variations.
Thank SDCC and supporting councillors for amendment 5.10 - the addition of QDP14 Objective 5: To prepare a Local Area Plan for Saggart. SVRA have actively advocated for an LAP for Saggart.
Welcome ref 5.11 to include a Local Transport Plan within a Local Area Plan