Proposed upgrade of Carrigmore Park, Fortunestown, Dublin 24.

Dúnta19 D.F., 2023, 08:00 - 30 Sam, 2023, 17:00

Proposed upgrade of Carrigmore Park, Fortunestown, Dublin 24.

The upgrade of Carrigmore Park will consist of the following:

  • Provision of a pump track and calisthenics area.  
  • Provision of a boules court/active age area.
  • Upgrading of existing footpaths, to involve the removal and realignment of existing paths.
  • Installation of goal posts onto existing soccer pitch.
  • The provision of a new sports pitch area (65m x 40m).
  • Retaining existing entrances and upgrading where required.
  • Provision of a new pedestrian entrance.
  • Provision for new entrances to the development lands to the west.
  • Renovation of existing hedgerows.
  • Planting new trees, hedgerows, and other planting.
  • Removal of 12 trees.
  • Planting of trees along the verge outside of park.
  • Provision of 2 wetland attenuation areas to provide drainage for pitch and enhance biodiversity.
  • Planting of a mini woodland for enhanced biodiversity.
  • Planting of pleached Tilia trees along existing basketball court.
  • All associated landscape works including furniture and planting.
  • All ancillary works.


The proposal has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and screening for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) under the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU. The Planning Authority has made a preliminary examination of the nature, size, and location of the proposed development. The authority has concluded that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and a determination has been made that an EIA is not required. Any person may, within 4-weeks from the date of publication of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

The plans and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection online on the Council’s Public Consultation Portal website ( during the period from 19th of October 2023 to 30th of November 2023.

Printed plans and particulars will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 during office hours from 19th of October 2023 to 16th November 2023.

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development will be situated may be made in writing up to 5pm on 30th of November 2023 and may be submitted either via:

Online Submissions:

Post to:

Senior Executive Officer,

Environment Water and Climate Change Department,

South Dublin County Council,

County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 YNN5.

NOTE: Please make your submission by one medium only. All submissions should include your name and a contact address. It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act, 1997-2006 (as amended) applies to all records held by South Dublin County Council. South Dublin County Council’s Personal Data Privacy Statements can be viewed at and all personal data will be retained in line with statutory requirements.

Director, Environment Water and Climate Change Department,

South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24.