1) Addition of new S5 orbital bus route along the R112 (Walkinstown Avenue-Dundrum) to be added to New Dublin Bus Area Network as part of Bus Connects Network Redesign and single fare structure.
2) Addition of segregated cycle paths along R112 similar to what has been achieved on Braemor Road section with added separation between Bus Stops and cyclists.
Full details of our proposal can be found here:
The proposal above if implemented would make a significant contribution to the stated objectives of your document.
For example, it would contribute to:
SM3 Objective 4: "...increase catchment and maximise permeability"
SM3 Objective 5: "...facilitate an interlinked network that maximizes the efficiency of existing services"
SM3 Objective 6: "...including orbital routes to provide connectivity between outer suburban areas"
Kind regards,
Colm Garvey