Cycle South Dublin is an ambitious programme of work that reflects the increasing importance of making cycling a realistic and integral part of how people move around the County. It proposes a set of 41 projects that would deliver nearly 210km of new and improved cycle lanes over the next ten years.
The CySD Cycle South Dublin: A Programme of Work, is the first document listed on the right hand side. A countywide proposed plan is next listed, entitled CySD Draft Schemes Index Map, following the maps of the 41 projects for your persual. The newspaper advertisement is listed last.
Please make a submission by clicking on the blue box marked + MAKE A SUBMISSION, we'd love to hear your views.
This draft Cycle South Dublin programme sets the Council’s vision for making South Dublin County one of Ireland’s most cycle friendly counties by:
• Providing a comprehensive and connected cycle network
• Making cycling a more achievable mode of transport for all adults and children and
• Improving the cycling identity of the County.
The draft programme identifies four cycle priorities:
• Existing (on-going upgrades to the existing network)
• Now (projects to be delivered over the next four years)
• Soon (projects between years four to eight) and
• Later (projects between years eight and ten)
The draft programme has been prepared against the backdrop of the Council’s commitments to Sustainable Travel; Climate Change; Building Stronger Local Economies and Improving Personal Health and Wellbeing. Public Consultation on the Draft Cycle South Dublin Programme is commencing on Tuesday 17th November 2020 and concluding on Friday 18th December 2020.
A public webinar will take place from 7pm to 8pm on Wednesday 25th November. Details can be found on the following South Dublin County Council
A submission or observation in relation to the draft strategy may be made here on this page or by post, addressed to: Senior Executive Officer, Land Use Planning and Transportation Department, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 A3EX.
Please make your submission by one medium only i.e. post or online. Emailed submissions will not be accepted. All submissions or observations must be titled “Draft Cycle South Dublin”. The deadline for the receipt of written submissions or observations is close of business on Friday 18th December 2020 at the latest.
Once you have reviewed this consultation and made a submission, you are welcome to take take a survey on CySD Cycle South Dublin:
CySd Cycle South Dublin - A Programme of Work
Cycle South Dublin is an ambitious programme of work that reflects the increasing importance of making cycling a realistic and integral part of how people move around the County. It proposes a set of 41 projects that would deliver nearly 210km of new and improved cycle lanes over the next ten years.
The CySD Cycle South Dublin: A Programme of Work, is the first document listed on the right hand side. A countywide proposed plan is next listed, entitled CySD Draft Schemes Index Map, following the maps of the 41 projects for your persual. The newspaper advertisement is listed last.
Please make a submission by clicking on the blue box marked + MAKE A SUBMISSION, we'd love to hear your views.
This draft Cycle South Dublin programme sets the Council’s vision for making South Dublin County one of Ireland’s most cycle friendly counties by:
• Providing a comprehensive and connected cycle network
• Making cycling a more achievable mode of transport for all adults and children and
• Improving the cycling identity of the County.
The draft programme identifies four cycle priorities:
• Existing (on-going upgrades to the existing network)
• Now (projects to be delivered over the next four years)
• Soon (projects between years four to eight) and
• Later (projects between years eight and ten)
The draft programme has been prepared against the backdrop of the Council’s commitments to Sustainable Travel; Climate Change; Building Stronger Local Economies and Improving Personal Health and Wellbeing. Public Consultation on the Draft Cycle South Dublin Programme is commencing on Tuesday 17th November 2020 and concluding on Friday 18th December 2020.
A public webinar will take place from 7pm to 8pm on Wednesday 25th November. Details can be found on the following South Dublin County Council
webpage: services/our-council/live-events/
A submission or observation in relation to the draft strategy may be made here on this page or by post, addressed to: Senior Executive Officer, Land Use Planning and Transportation Department, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 A3EX.
Please make your submission by one medium only i.e. post or online. Emailed submissions will not be accepted. All submissions or observations must be titled “Draft Cycle South Dublin”. The deadline for the receipt of written submissions or observations is close of business on Friday 18th December 2020 at the latest.
Once you have reviewed this consultation and made a submission, you are welcome to take take a survey on CySD Cycle South Dublin: