Submissions by topics "Amendment 13.3"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Amendment 13.3"

Dear Sir or Madam We make this submission on behalf of our client, Echelon Data Centres (Echelon), The Cubes Offices, Beacon South Quarter, Dublin 18, in respect of the South...
To omit Proposed Amendments 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 as follows: To omit Proposed Amendment 13.1 and Amend Table 13.4 Zoning Objective ‘REGEN’ so that ‘Data Centre’ is moved from being ‘Not...
We welcome this opportunity to make a submission on the Proposed Material Alterations to the South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028. Please see our attached document. We respectfully...
To amend Proposed Amendments 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 as follows: To amend Proposed Amendment 13.1 and Amend Table 13.4 Zoning Objective ‘REGEN’ so that ‘Data Centre’ is moved from being ‘...
Regarding the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 –2028 (‘the Plan’), we would like to offer comment on Amendments Ref. 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3