South Dublin County Council Draft Tourism Strategy 2024 - 2029

Dúnta27 M.F., 2023, 15:19 - 6 Sam, 2023, 23:59

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Over the last few months KPMG Future Analytics and Toposophy, on behalf of South Dublin County Council, have been preparing the next Tourism Strategy for South Dublin County.

The draft strategy is underpinned by extensive stakeholder engagement within the County, and at regional and national level including 35 one to one strategic conversations, an online survey with 230 responses, and an in-depth focus group workshop. Extensive research has been undertaken on the ground in South Dublin County along with policy analysis and research into relevant policy and comparable good practice in international destinations.

This draft strategy is intended to guide the activities and work programme of South Dublin County Council from 2024 to 2029, providing clear direction for all tourism stakeholders.

Implementing this Strategy will involve South Dublin County Council helping to facilitate, promote, support and coordinate stakeholders in their activities in a way that is consistent with existing and emerging plans/programmes/ strategies setting out public policy for sustainable development, including that relating to the economy, communities, infrastructure, land use tourism and environmental protection and environmental management.

Public Consultation - period extended

The Council are seeking views from the public to help inform the final South Dublin County Council Tourism Strategy 2024-2029. A public consultation was held on the draft Plan from 27th September to 30th October 2023. That period is now being extended from 30th October to 6th November 2023.


You can make a submission or observation between the extended period of Monday 30th October  and Monday 6th November 2023 inclusive, through the following two options only:

  • A written submission can be made electronically through the Council’s Online Public Consultation Portal: (up to 11.59pm on Monday 6th November 2023); Or
  • In writing, addressed to the Administrative Officer, County Promotion Unit, Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development Directorate, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 (not later than 6.00pm on 6th November, 2023).

Please make your submission by one of the above methods only.  Only submissions received as set out above will be considered.  Submissions cannot be accepted in any other format or to any other postal address or via the online portal.

It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act, 1997 -2006 (amended) applies to all records held by South Dublin County Council.

South Dublin County Council’s Personal Data Privacy Statements can be viewed at and all personal data will be retained in line with statutory requirements.


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