Section 38 Traffic Calming Tallaght

Dúnta5 Mei, 2023, 16:04 - 4 Iúil, 2023, 18:04

The following works will be executed under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 

The purpose of this non-statutory consultation is to provide notice of South Dublin County Council’s intention to carry out traffic calming works at the following locations in the Tallaght Electoral Area.


Traffic calming aims to reduce vehicle speeds in urban and residential areas by self-enforcing traffic engineering methods. Traffic calming improves the safety of roads and streets in the built-up urban environment by reducing speed, and therefore reducing the frequency and severity of collisions at these locations.

SDCC promotes active, sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling. Traffic calming facilitates this by making the streets safer for all road users.

A move away from traditional vertical traffic calming (i.e. ramps and bus cushions) is being sought due to complaints from road users regarding same.

Current data favours horizontal traffic calming in the form of chicanes, path buildouts, junction tightening and traffic calming island which all narrow the available road space, thereby controlling traffic speeds as they enter estates off higher-speed roads.



Proposed Traffic Calming Measure


Kilcronan Court

Entrance narrowing –

island or tightening of radius


St Anthony’s Cresc Greenhills

Traffic calming island at entrance to estate


Bawnlea Ave, Tallaght

Islands at entrance to estate and T Junction


Raheen Park

Entrance narrowing –

island or tightening of radius


Tymon North Park

Remove existing traffic calming island and reinstate ground.


Cloonmore Ave

Tightening of radii


Carrigmore Estate, Tallaght

Traffic calming islands at Junctions



Other safety measures may be carried out during these works.

The following works will be executed under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 

The purpose of this non-statutory consultation is to provide notice of South Dublin County Council’s intention to carry out traffic calming works at the following locations in the Tallaght Electoral Area.


Traffic calming aims to reduce vehicle speeds in urban and residential areas by self-enforcing traffic engineering methods. Traffic calming improves the safety of roads and streets in the built-up urban environment by reducing speed, and therefore reducing the frequency and severity of collisions at these locations.

SDCC promotes active, sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling. Traffic calming facilitates this by making the streets safer for all road users.

A move away from traditional vertical traffic calming (i.e. ramps and bus cushions) is being sought due to complaints from road users regarding same.

Current data favours horizontal traffic calming in the form of chicanes, path buildouts, junction tightening and traffic calming island which all narrow the available road space, thereby controlling traffic speeds as they enter estates off higher-speed roads.



Proposed Traffic Calming Measure


Kilcronan Court

Entrance narrowing –

island or tightening of radius


St Anthony’s Cresc Greenhills

Traffic calming island at entrance to estate


Bawnlea Ave, Tallaght

Islands at entrance to estate and T Junction


Raheen Park

Entrance narrowing –

island or tightening of radius


Tymon North Park

Remove existing traffic calming island and reinstate ground.


Cloonmore Ave

Tightening of radii


Carrigmore Estate, Tallaght

Traffic calming islands at Junctions



Other safety measures may be carried out during these works.


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