Section 38 Light Segregation Cycle Scheme Upgrades

Dúnta24 D.F., 2022, 14:00 - 21 Sam, 2022, 18:00

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Section 38 Light Segregation Updates 


The following works will be executed under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 

The purpose of this non-statutory consultation is to provide notice of South Dublin County Council’s intention to install light segregation for existing cycle lanes on the following roads.

  • Taylors Lane
  • Cookstown Rd
  • Junction of Cookstown Rd, Bothar Katherine Tynan and Cookstown Way
  • Junction of Bothar Katherine Tynan and R136

Works will consist of installation of bolt down kerbs and tightening of radii on side roads and entrances. Other safety measures may be carried out during these works.


Cycle Lanes
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