Dublin Fire Brigade - Fire and Emergency Operations Plan Public Consultation

Dúnta18 Bea, 2023, 11:42 - 16 Mei, 2023, 22:00


Dublin Fire Brigade want the public to understand what we do as a Fire Service and for you to contribute to our plans for the future. Dublin Fire Brigade continually strives to provide an efficient, effective service that ensures the safety of our communities across the Dublin region and increases the safety of our fire-fighters.

The plan sets out the current Fire and Emergency arrangements within the Greater Dublin Region and it will also set out plans and targets for the Fire Authority for the next 5 years. The plan will be reviewed from time to time as deemed appropriate, but in any case it shall be reviewed at least once every 5 years.  It should be noted that the adoption of the plan is a reserved function under Section 26(3) of Fire Services Act 1981 (approved by Councillors).

Why your views matter

Dublin Fire Brigade want to ensure that what we are doing is in line with public expectations.

This document and process is an invitation to you to contribute to our planning arrangements for your fire service for the next 5 years. Your feedback will help shape the future our services across Dublin.

We would like to thank you for your interest in the process and for your contribution.  

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