There will be an information event in the County Library, Tallaght from 3pm – 6pm on Tuesday 15th August 2017 where Council staff will be available to provide general guidance and answer queries relating to the proposed Dodder Greenway
Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposed provision by South Dublin County Council of the above scheme in the townlands of Kiltipper, Tallaght, Old Bawn, Firhouse, Templeogue, Terenure and Rathfarnham. The proposed works will comprise the following:
The proposed Dodder Greenway is being developed to be a Greenway of international renown and to be on a par with the best greenways in the world. Although developed as a combination of off road and on road it utilises existing facilities within the Dodder Valley as much as possible to connect the linear parkland along the route. The main elements of the proposed Greenway are as follows: • The Greenway route is approximately 14km in length and passes along the Dodder Valley from Orwell / Terenure through the outer suburbs of Tallaght to rural and upland Dublin to the entrance to the Bohernabreena reservoirs at Glenasmole.
• It will provide for improved connectivity to communities, facilities and local business along the
Dodder Valley corridor with a dedicated signage strategy.
• Where commuting currently exists and demand is anticipated to continue, the scheme either ensures it is facilitated in a pedestrian priority environment with additional capacity for safe use at junctions or provide an alternative route for commuting cyclists where required.
• The Greenway will generally consist of a shared 3-4m wide bound surface on the off road sections, tying into suitable
bound surfacing for the on road sections. It is proposed to utilise enhanced variations to reflect local context.
• Works will include widening and upgrade to existing paths, construction of new paths, the construction of a number of
new bridges, upgrade of existing bridges and underpasses, junction upgrades, etc.
• The upgrade and creation of new entrances to the Greenway.
• Improved landscape treatment to provide a coherent and legible Greenway along the proposed Greenway.
• Ecological enhancements including species rich grassland management, the planting of native trees and the provision
of bat boxes.
• Bat friendly public lighting will be provided both in new areas and in upgrading sections of existing lighting.
• CCTV will be provided at a number of locations including each of the bridges.
• Drainage measures including swales, signage, markings and ancillary works.
The proposed works will comprise the following:
Bohernabreena to Old Bawn Road
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Improved environment for pedestrians and cyclists in a traffic calmed environment within Bohernabreena car park
• Re-alignment of the entrance within the curtilage of Bohernabreena Reservoir a Protected Structure, Map
Reference No.395
• Provision of traffic calming measures to cross the R114 into Kiltipper Park, at Ellensborough
• Utilise existing shared surface through Kiltipper Park
• Introduction of a new car park adjacent to Kiltipper Woods Care Centre. To minimise surface water runoff from this area
the car park will be constructed using a geocell type product with gravel infill.
• Shared street on access road to Kiltipper Woods Care Centre
• Roundabout upgrade of existing roundabout on Kiltipper Way and Kiltipper Road junction
• Revise road cross section between Kiltipper Road roundabout to Kiltipper Woods Care Centre access road.
Road width to be narrowed to 6m with 2m cycle track and 2m footpath.
• Revise road cross section between Kiltipper Woods Care Centre and Old Bawn Road. Road to be narrowed to 6m
with provision of pedestrian facilities and traffic calming measures.
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required.
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Dodder Valley Park to M50 Underpass
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Widen existing paths to 3.5-4m where possible to create shared surface. Widen path at edge furthest from river.
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at the Bolbrook Enterprise Centre and construct new 4m wide path to access
• Link path to Mount Carmel Park and change estate road to shared street
• Upgrade junction geometry at Firhouse Road/Ballycullen Road junction
• Existing underpass under M50 motorway to be upgraded and re-graded
• Paths through parklands to include swales
• New public lighting directed away from river edge
• This section of the route passes through a pNHA (Proposed Natural Heritage Area)
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
M50 Underpass to Firhouse Road
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Widen existing paths to 3.5-4m where possible to createshared surface
• Create linkages to the Firhouse Road with upgrade of entrance and new toucan crossing of Firhouse Road
• Paths through parklands to include swales at certain locations
• New public lighting
• Realignment of existing paths at Spa link road underpass
• Extension of existing car park at Cherryfield
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Firhouse Road to Kilvere
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Reconfigure geometry of Firhouse Road/Old Bridge Road junction including removing the existing left slip lane off Old
Bridge Road onto Butterfield Avenue
• Revise road cross section from Firhouse Road/Old Bridge Road junction to Kilvere. Road width to be narrowed to 6m
with 2m cycle track and 2m footpath. On street parking to be removed along Butterfield Avenue.
• Shared street through Kilvere to Dodder Valley Park entrance
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required.
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed greenway
• Upgrade of existing cycle and pedestrian facilities on Firhouse Road
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Kilvere to Springfield Avenue
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Widen existing paths to 3.5-4m where possible to create shared surface
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at Riverside Cottages, which is an Architectural Conservation Area,
and construct 4m wide path linking to roadway and link to existing footpath to north of river, upgrading shared street
from Riverside Cottages to Templeogue.
• Path to ramp up to Springfield Avenue to link with a shared surface and an alternative narrower path is to join in with the
existing underpass.
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required • New public lighting within park area.
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Springfield Avenue to Rathfarnham Road Junction
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Reduce carriageway width down to 6.5m and form a 4m wide shared surface along the northern side of the
carriageway. The existing footpath, cycle track and shared surface along the southern side of the carriageway is to be
• New paths and toucan crossing at Fairways junction.
• Upgrade existing car parking at Owendoher River.
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at Bushy Park, the bridge is to connect directly into the Park north of existing
wall where required. Provide path linkage from new path to existing paths along southern side the River.
• New car park opposite the bridge location, in open space adjacent to Springfield Avenue.
• New toucan crossing across Springfield Avenue
• New 4m wide shared path through green area at Woodview Cottages and shared street along on Church Lane to
Rathfarnham Main Street.
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required.
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Rathfarnham Road Junction
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Revised junction geometry to improve pedestrian and cycle facilities
• Widen Springfield Avenue and Dodder Park Road approaches to the junction to facilitate the junction upgrade
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Rathfarnham Road Junction to Orwell Park
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Upgrade of shared street along Dodder Road Lower adjacent to park area at junction
• Existing shared surface along the River to be maintained and upgraded as necessary
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at Orwell Park.
• Upgrade of existing pathways to allow tie in to Orwell Park
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
The proposed Greenway will be subject to a landscape plan, signage plan and ecological and environmental enhancements
for the proposed greenway route. All ancillary works are included in the proposals.
Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable
cost of making a copy from Thursday 22nd of June to Friday 18th of August at the following locations:
• South Dublin County Council Offices, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 between the hours of 9:00am – 5.00pm Monday
to Thursday and 9.00am - 4.30pm on Friday (Inspection only) between the hours of 9:00am – 4.00pm Monday to
Thursday and 9.00am – 3.30pm on Friday (Inspection and Purchase)
• County Library, Tallaght, Dublin 24, between the hours of 9.45am to 8.00pm Mon to Thurs, 9.45am to 4.30pm Fri to Sat.
Closed Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday Weekends (Inspection only)
• Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, between the hours of 9:45am – 8.00pm Mon to
Thurs, 9.45am – 4.30pm Fri to Sat. Closed Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday Weekends (Inspection only)
• Dublin City Council Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 between the hours of 9:00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday (Inspection
and Purchase)
An Ecological Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed works. The proposed Scheme has
undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and Environmental Impact
Assessment Screening under the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU. The documents are also available to view on the Council’s Public
Dodder Greenway Route Scheme
There will be an information event in the County Library, Tallaght from 3pm – 6pm on Tuesday 15th August 2017 where Council staff will be available to provide general guidance and answer queries relating to the proposed Dodder Greenway
Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposed provision by South Dublin County Council of the above scheme in the townlands of Kiltipper, Tallaght, Old Bawn, Firhouse, Templeogue, Terenure and Rathfarnham. The proposed works will comprise the following:
The proposed Dodder Greenway is being developed to be a Greenway of international renown and to be on a par with the best greenways in the world. Although developed as a combination of off road and on road it utilises existing facilities within the Dodder Valley as much as possible to connect the linear parkland along the route. The main elements of the proposed Greenway are as follows: • The Greenway route is approximately 14km in length and passes along the Dodder Valley from Orwell / Terenure through the outer suburbs of Tallaght to rural and upland Dublin to the entrance to the Bohernabreena reservoirs at Glenasmole.
• It will provide for improved connectivity to communities, facilities and local business along the
Dodder Valley corridor with a dedicated signage strategy.
• Where commuting currently exists and demand is anticipated to continue, the scheme either ensures it is facilitated in a pedestrian priority environment with additional capacity for safe use at junctions or provide an alternative route for commuting cyclists where required.
• The Greenway will generally consist of a shared 3-4m wide bound surface on the off road sections, tying into suitable
bound surfacing for the on road sections. It is proposed to utilise enhanced variations to reflect local context.
• Works will include widening and upgrade to existing paths, construction of new paths, the construction of a number of
new bridges, upgrade of existing bridges and underpasses, junction upgrades, etc.
• The upgrade and creation of new entrances to the Greenway.
• Improved landscape treatment to provide a coherent and legible Greenway along the proposed Greenway.
• Ecological enhancements including species rich grassland management, the planting of native trees and the provision
of bat boxes.
• Bat friendly public lighting will be provided both in new areas and in upgrading sections of existing lighting.
• CCTV will be provided at a number of locations including each of the bridges.
• Drainage measures including swales, signage, markings and ancillary works.
The proposed works will comprise the following:
Bohernabreena to Old Bawn Road
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Improved environment for pedestrians and cyclists in a traffic calmed environment within Bohernabreena car park
• Re-alignment of the entrance within the curtilage of Bohernabreena Reservoir a Protected Structure, Map
Reference No.395
• Provision of traffic calming measures to cross the R114 into Kiltipper Park, at Ellensborough
• Utilise existing shared surface through Kiltipper Park
• Introduction of a new car park adjacent to Kiltipper Woods Care Centre. To minimise surface water runoff from this area
the car park will be constructed using a geocell type product with gravel infill.
• Shared street on access road to Kiltipper Woods Care Centre
• Roundabout upgrade of existing roundabout on Kiltipper Way and Kiltipper Road junction
• Revise road cross section between Kiltipper Road roundabout to Kiltipper Woods Care Centre access road.
Road width to be narrowed to 6m with 2m cycle track and 2m footpath.
• Revise road cross section between Kiltipper Woods Care Centre and Old Bawn Road. Road to be narrowed to 6m
with provision of pedestrian facilities and traffic calming measures.
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required.
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Dodder Valley Park to M50 Underpass
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Widen existing paths to 3.5-4m where possible to create shared surface. Widen path at edge furthest from river.
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at the Bolbrook Enterprise Centre and construct new 4m wide path to access
• Link path to Mount Carmel Park and change estate road to shared street
• Upgrade junction geometry at Firhouse Road/Ballycullen Road junction
• Existing underpass under M50 motorway to be upgraded and re-graded
• Paths through parklands to include swales
• New public lighting directed away from river edge
• This section of the route passes through a pNHA (Proposed Natural Heritage Area)
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
M50 Underpass to Firhouse Road
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Widen existing paths to 3.5-4m where possible to createshared surface
• Create linkages to the Firhouse Road with upgrade of entrance and new toucan crossing of Firhouse Road
• Paths through parklands to include swales at certain locations
• New public lighting
• Realignment of existing paths at Spa link road underpass
• Extension of existing car park at Cherryfield
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Firhouse Road to Kilvere
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Reconfigure geometry of Firhouse Road/Old Bridge Road junction including removing the existing left slip lane off Old
Bridge Road onto Butterfield Avenue
• Revise road cross section from Firhouse Road/Old Bridge Road junction to Kilvere. Road width to be narrowed to 6m
with 2m cycle track and 2m footpath. On street parking to be removed along Butterfield Avenue.
• Shared street through Kilvere to Dodder Valley Park entrance
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required.
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed greenway
• Upgrade of existing cycle and pedestrian facilities on Firhouse Road
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Kilvere to Springfield Avenue
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Widen existing paths to 3.5-4m where possible to create shared surface
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at Riverside Cottages, which is an Architectural Conservation Area,
and construct 4m wide path linking to roadway and link to existing footpath to north of river, upgrading shared street
from Riverside Cottages to Templeogue.
• Path to ramp up to Springfield Avenue to link with a shared surface and an alternative narrower path is to join in with the
existing underpass.
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required • New public lighting within park area.
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Springfield Avenue to Rathfarnham Road Junction
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Reduce carriageway width down to 6.5m and form a 4m wide shared surface along the northern side of the
carriageway. The existing footpath, cycle track and shared surface along the southern side of the carriageway is to be
• New paths and toucan crossing at Fairways junction.
• Upgrade existing car parking at Owendoher River.
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at Bushy Park, the bridge is to connect directly into the Park north of existing
wall where required. Provide path linkage from new path to existing paths along southern side the River.
• New car park opposite the bridge location, in open space adjacent to Springfield Avenue.
• New toucan crossing across Springfield Avenue
• New 4m wide shared path through green area at Woodview Cottages and shared street along on Church Lane to
Rathfarnham Main Street.
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required.
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Rathfarnham Road Junction
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Revised junction geometry to improve pedestrian and cycle facilities
• Widen Springfield Avenue and Dodder Park Road approaches to the junction to facilitate the junction upgrade
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
Rathfarnham Road Junction to Orwell Park
• Upgrade of existing entrances to proposed Greenway
• Upgrade of shared street along Dodder Road Lower adjacent to park area at junction
• Existing shared surface along the River to be maintained and upgraded as necessary
• New 4m wide bridge over Dodder River at Orwell Park.
• Upgrade of existing pathways to allow tie in to Orwell Park
• Upgrade to existing public lighting where required
• Incorporation of landscape plans and planting along Greenway to further detail
The proposed Greenway will be subject to a landscape plan, signage plan and ecological and environmental enhancements
for the proposed greenway route. All ancillary works are included in the proposals.
Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable
cost of making a copy from Thursday 22nd of June to Friday 18th of August at the following locations:
• South Dublin County Council Offices, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 between the hours of 9:00am – 5.00pm Monday
to Thursday and 9.00am - 4.30pm on Friday (Inspection only) between the hours of 9:00am – 4.00pm Monday to
Thursday and 9.00am – 3.30pm on Friday (Inspection and Purchase)
• County Library, Tallaght, Dublin 24, between the hours of 9.45am to 8.00pm Mon to Thurs, 9.45am to 4.30pm Fri to Sat.
Closed Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday Weekends (Inspection only)
• Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, between the hours of 9:45am – 8.00pm Mon to
Thurs, 9.45am – 4.30pm Fri to Sat. Closed Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday Weekends (Inspection only)
• Dublin City Council Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 between the hours of 9:00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday (Inspection
and Purchase)
An Ecological Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed works. The proposed Scheme has
undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and Environmental Impact
Assessment Screening under the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU. The documents are also available to view on the Council’s Public
Consultation Portal website
Submissions and observations on the Part 8 Proposed Dodder Greenway Route can be made online and in writing to the
addresses below between Thursday 22nd of June to Friday 18th of August inclusive (excluding Public Holidays) as follows;
• Online: at up to Midnight on the Friday 18th of August 2017
• By Post: In writing to the Senior Executive Officer, Forward Planning Section, Land Use, Planning and Transportation,
County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 up to 4.00pm on the Friday 18th of August 2017.
Only submissions received by Friday 18th August 2017 and addressed as set out above, will be considered. Submissions
cannot be accepted in any other format or to any other postal address. Submissions and observations should state the
name, address, and where relevant the body represented. All comments including the names and addresses of those making
the comments, submitted to the Council in regarding the Part 8 Dodder Greenway Route will form a report to be presented
to South Dublin County Council, and will form part of a public document.
Senior Executive Officer, Forward Planning Section,
Land Use, Planning & Transportation,
South Dublin County Council,
County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act 2014 applies to all records held by South Dublin County Council.