Airton Road Extension Part 8 Application

Dúnta13 Ean, 2022, 10:37 - 24 Fea, 2022, 16:37

Primary tabs

Airton Road Extension- (Cookstown Industrial Estate Road to Belgard Road)    


South Dublin County Council


Proposed New Works


PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000 (as amended)






Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposal to construct the following development by South Dublin County Council:




The proposed works will form part of a wider integrated road network which will result in the creation of a new permeable street connecting the Airton Road to the Cookstown Road and further south to Tallaght Town Centre via an approved Part 8 development.

It will act as a catalyst for connecting Tallaght Hospital, Technology University Dublin (TUD), a post primary school, an innovation centre, and a residential community. The proposed new link road will be carried out through the Part 8 process.

The South Dublin County Council County Development Plan (CPD) sets out several objectives relevant to the proposals for the provision of a new link road connecting the Airton Road to the Cookstown Road. Of particular note are CS2 Objective 4: which promotes and supports the regeneration of underutilised industrial areas within areas designated with Zoning Objective Regeneration ‘REGEN’ (to facilitate enterprise and/or residential led regeneration) and CS2 Objective 6: which promotes higher residential densities at appropriate locations, adjacent to town centres or high-capacity public transport nodes (Luas/Rail).

The lands at Cookstown are zoned regeneration with an objective of facilitating enterprise and or residential led regeneration. Section 11.2.4 of the CDP stipulates that development within Regeneration zones will be assessed against the relevant criteria within the Urban Design Manual –A Best Practice Guide (2009), the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (2013) and/or the Retail Design Manual (2012) as appropriate.

Where the Tallaght Town Centre and Cookstown neighbourhoods met, the network included in the draft LAP promotes provision of a new link road connecting the existing Airton Road to the Cookstown Road, which is referred to as the Airton Road extension. The Airton Road extension will significantly open-up currently inaccessible land, by improving access to public and road transport and by creating permeable/accessible places.  




The Proposed Scheme consists of the following works:


Persons wishing to inspect drawings and particulars of the proposed development can do so as follows:

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of four weeks from the Thursday 13th January 2022 to Thursday 10th February 2022 only; by appointment at the offices of South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24. between the hours 10.00am – 12.00noon & 2.00pm to 4.00pm Monday to Friday, and available online on the Consultation Portal


Appointments can be made by contacting the Planning Department by email at or by phoning (01) 4149000.


Submissions and observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development will be situated, may be made in writing up to 5.00pm on the Thursday 24th February 2022 and may be submitted:

Post to Senior Engineer, Roads Construction & Design, LUPT, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 YNN5.


NOTE: South Dublin County Council would like to encourage submissions or observations noting elements of the scheme that they support and want to ensure are retained during the detailed design.

Please make your submission by one medium only. All submissions should include your name and a contact address. It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act, 1997-2006 (as amended) applies to all records held by South Dublin County Council.




Cycle Lanes
Part 8 Application
Glac síntiús