Non-Statutory Consultation under Section 38 of the Roads Act 1994
South Dublin County Council in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, are actively trying to develop an improved cycle network throughout the county. This cycling network improvement is intended to provide more sustainable transport options for commuters as well as active travel benefits for local communities.
Following a review of the existing cycle network within SDCC it has been identified that a large number of road junctions has substandard cycle and pedestrian facilities through them. This results in a poor level of service on our network which South Dublin County Council intend to rectify over the coming years.
The purpose of this non statutory consultation is to give notice of South Dublin County Council’s intention to carry out junction improvement works on Griffeen Road, Avenue and Way.
We would like your feedback on this Scheme so please click the link below to a short survey to fill out on it
Improving existing cycling infrastructure in the area
Providing safer movement facilities for pedestrians and cyclists
Traffic calm vehicles entering residential areas
Specific locations
Moy Glas Chase Junction Griffeen Road
Griffeen Glen Junction Griffeen Road
Moy Glas Park Junction Griffeen Road
Elm View Junction Griffeen Road
Moy Glas Drive Junction Griffeen Road
Bottle Bank Junction beside Moy Glas Green Griffeen Road
Elm Wood Junction Griffeen Road
Castle Riada Avenue Junction Griffeen Way
Castle Riada Crescent Junction Griffeen Way
Griffeen Glen Roundabout Griffeen Avenue
Work Details
Estate Entrances
Junctions of housing estates with Griffeen Road and Way will be upgraded as per the standard junction drawing (DWG No. GCI-0002) included in this pack.
The design caters for a higher quality of pedestrians and cyclist infrastructure through the junction by providing consistent facilities across the estate entrances.
Cars turning into the estates are going from a 50kph speed limit to 30kph so tighter corner radii and a ramped crossing will force drivers to reduce their speed to an appropriate level prior to entering the residential area.
Roundabout Detail
The roundabout at the junction of Griffeen Avenue, Griffeen Glen Avenue and Rossberry Place will be upgraded.
The design reduces the radius of the roundabout carriageway to ensure appropriate traffic speeds on the circulatory. Crossing points will be provided at a set back of 6m from the roundabout to ensure safe crossing and circulatory facilities are provided for pedestrians and cyclists.
This scheme will be progressed under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994. This section of the Act contains the legislation under which new traffic calming and cycling infrastructure is developed. Typical works carried out under Section 38 powers include road narrowing, speed cushions, footpath build outs, cycle tracks, bus corridors. Delivering these works under Section 38 powers does not require planning permission.
It is the council’s intention to progress this scheme over the coming months. If you would like to submit any comments or feedback on this scheme, please complete the questionnaire.
Griffeen Cycling Improvement Scheme
Primary tabs
Improvement of cycling infrastructure at Griffeen
Non-Statutory Consultation under Section 38 of the Roads Act 1994
South Dublin County Council in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, are actively trying to develop an improved cycle network throughout the county. This cycling network improvement is intended to provide more sustainable transport options for commuters as well as active travel benefits for local communities.
Following a review of the existing cycle network within SDCC it has been identified that a large number of road junctions has substandard cycle and pedestrian facilities through them. This results in a poor level of service on our network which South Dublin County Council intend to rectify over the coming years.
The purpose of this non statutory consultation is to give notice of South Dublin County Council’s intention to carry out junction improvement works on Griffeen Road, Avenue and Way.
We would like your feedback on this Scheme so please click the link below to a short survey to fill out on it
Griffeen Cycling Improvement Scheme | South Dublin County Council's Online Consultation Portal (
Scheme Objectives
Specific locations
Work Details
Estate Entrances
Junctions of housing estates with Griffeen Road and Way will be upgraded as per the standard junction drawing (DWG No. GCI-0002) included in this pack.
The design caters for a higher quality of pedestrians and cyclist infrastructure through the junction by providing consistent facilities across the estate entrances.
Cars turning into the estates are going from a 50kph speed limit to 30kph so tighter corner radii and a ramped crossing will force drivers to reduce their speed to an appropriate level prior to entering the residential area.
Roundabout Detail
The roundabout at the junction of Griffeen Avenue, Griffeen Glen Avenue and Rossberry Place will be upgraded.
The design reduces the radius of the roundabout carriageway to ensure appropriate traffic speeds on the circulatory. Crossing points will be provided at a set back of 6m from the roundabout to ensure safe crossing and circulatory facilities are provided for pedestrians and cyclists.
This scheme will be progressed under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994. This section of the Act contains the legislation under which new traffic calming and cycling infrastructure is developed. Typical works carried out under Section 38 powers include road narrowing, speed cushions, footpath build outs, cycle tracks, bus corridors. Delivering these works under Section 38 powers does not require planning permission.
It is the council’s intention to progress this scheme over the coming months. If you would like to submit any comments or feedback on this scheme, please complete the questionnaire.