South Dublin County Council is inviting public participation in the identification of Bathing Waters under the Bathing Waters Directive and the Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008

Closed30 Jun, 2016, 09:00 - 28 Jul, 2016, 18:00

South Dublin County Council is inviting public participation in the identification of Bathing Waters under the Bathing Waters Directive and the Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 (SI No 79 of 2008).

The Directive requires that water quality at all designated bathing waters meets stringent microbiological standards in order to protect the health of people who choose to bathe there. City and county Councils are required under the 2008 Regulations to identify bathing waters on an annual basis.

This consultation process provides the public with an opportunity to:


  • comment on existing designated bathing waters with a view to continuation of designation,


  • comment on other bathing waters not currently designated but which may be considered for designation.


Comments are invited from interested parties.


This should be done through the local city council or county council in whose area the bathing water is located. Contact information for all 31 city and county councils can be found on the following website:




The Closing date for submissions to South Dublin County Council is the 28th July 2016.


Please address your correspondence to:


Public Participation: Identification of Bathing Waters,

Senior Executive Officer,

Environment, Water and Climate Change,

South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24.



