Part VIII - Construction of Walking and Cycling Scheme at Ballyroan and Old Orchard

Closed31 Mar, 2016, 08:00 - 30 May, 2016, 17:00

Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposal to construct a walking and cycling scheme by South Dublin County Council at the townlands of Ballyroan, Dublin 16 and Old Orchard, Dublin 14.

The proposed works primarily comprise the following:

  • New speed reducing traffic table at the junction of Anne Devlin Park with Marian Road
  • Upgrading and realignment of the existing footpath to a new walking and cycling route from Anne Devlin Park to Ballyroan Road
  • Upgrading of existing pedestrian crossing at Ballyroan Road to a Toucan Crossing on a raised table
  • 2 new raised crossings at Ballyroan Road entrances into House Nos. 162-172 with reconstruction of existing footpath on Ballyroan Road
  • Upgrading and realignment of the existing footpath to a new walking and cycling route from Ballyroan Road to Ballyroan Crescent including upgrading of existing access onto Ballyroan Road and upgrading and realignment of the existing access onto Ballyroan Crescent
  • Provision of new raised table and zebra crossing on Ballyroan Crescent
  • Upgrading of access road into Scoil Naomh Padraig and Coláiste Éanna from Ballyroan Crescent and through the  grounds of Scoil Naomh Padraig to include widened shared pedestrian and cycle routes, narrowed vehicular carriageways, traffic calming tables and upgrading of existing vehicular and pedestrian accesses
  • Realignment of existing car parking at Scoil Naomh Padraig
  • Proposed new pedestrian and cycle way across the open space to the north of Scoil Naomh Padraig
  • Proposed new vehicular and pedestrian entrance into Coláiste Éanna from the grounds of Scoil Naomh Padraig
  • Proposed new car park in the grounds of Coláiste Éanna
  • Proposed new bicycle shelter and parking compound in the grounds of Coláiste Éanna
  • Upgrade of the existing pedestrian and cycle routes and entrances in the grounds of Coláiste Éanna
  • New landscape works along the route.
  • Provision of new public lighting, signage, associated drainage for the route and
  • All ancillary works

The scheme has been designed in accordance with the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) and the National Cycle Manual. The scheme aims to provide for high quality continuous and safe pedestrian and cycle provision to the schools from the north. The proposal has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC).

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy from Thursday 31st March 2016 to Friday the 13th of May 2016 at the following locations:

• South Dublin County Council Offices, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 between the hours of 9:00 am – 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am - 4.30pm on Friday (Inspection and purchase)

• Whitechurch Library, Taylor’s Lane, Ballyboden, Dublin 16 between the hours of 2pm-5pm and 6-8pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and  9.45-1pm and 2-5pm on Wednesday. Closed Friday & Saturday. (Inspection only)

• Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, between the hours of 9.45 am to 8pm Monday to Thursday, 9.45am to 4.30pm Friday and Saturday, Closed Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday Weekends. (Inspection only)

• The plans and particulars can be viewed on the Council’s Public Consultation Portal website

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development will be situated may be made through this portal or in writing up to 5.00pm on Monday the 30th May 2016 and must be addressed to;

Senior Executive Officer
Land Use Planning and Transportation Department,
South Dublin County Council,
County Hall,
Dublin 24.

NOTE: Please make your submission by one medium only. All submissions should include your name and a contact address. It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act, 1997-2006 (as amended) applies to all records held by South Dublin County Council.

E. Taaffe,


Land Use Planning and Transportation Department,

South Dublin County Council, County Hall,


Dublin 24.


15 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.

