Part 8 for a recreational project at Dodder Valley Mt. Carmel

Closed6 Jul, 2017, 08:00 - 29 Sep, 2017, 16:30

Planning and Development Act 2000 to 2011 (as amended)
 Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 to 2012 - Part 8

PUBLIC NOTICE - Dodder Valley Mount Carmel Recreational Project

Pursuant to the requirements of the above, South Dublin County Council hereby give notice of the proposal to construct a grass athletics track, a grass playing pitch, a bmx track and a signed nature trail; (The Ogham Tree Nature Trail) at Dodder Valley Mt. Carmel in the townsland of Tallaght.
The outline details of the proposal are:
• A 400m Eight-Lane Grass Running Track
• A 100m x 60m Grass Soccer Pitch
• A BMX track
• Proposed shared changing room / club house facilities
• Extension of the existing pathway system
• A signed nature trail: The Ogham Tree Nature Trail. (Exact locations, numbers and species to further detail).
• All ancillary works
The proposal has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC).
Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy from Thursday the 6th July 2017 to Monday 21st August 2017 at the following locations:
• South Dublin County Council Offices, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 between the hours of 9:00am – 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am - 4.30pm on Friday (Inspection and purchase)
• County Library, Tallaght, Dublin 24, between the hours of 9.45am to 8pm Mon to Thurs, 9.45am to 4.30pm Fri to Sat, Closed Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday Weekends (Inspection only)
• Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, between the hours of 9:45 am – 8.00pm Mon to Thurs, 9.45am-4.30pm Fri to Sat, Closed Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday Weekends (Inspection only)
• The plans and particulars can be viewed on the Council’s Public Consultation Portal website
Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development will be situated may be made in writing up to 4.30pm on Friday 29th September 2017 and may be submitted either:
via Online Submissions:
By post to :
Senior Executive Officer,     
Environment Water and Climate Change Department,
South Dublin County Council,
County Hall,
Tallaght, Dublin 24 YNN5.
NOTE: Please make your submission by one medium only. All submissions should include your name and a contact address. It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act, 1997-2006 (as amended) applies to all records held by South Dublin County Council.
Director, Environment Water and Climate Change Department, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24.


11 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.


You are invited to examine the Part 8 drawings and documents available on this portal and make a submission expressing your opinion in the text box below. You are also invited to upload a pdf to support your submission if necessary.