Noise Action Plan for the Agglomeration of Dublin
The Environmental Noise Directive (END) requires local authorities to draw-up plans of action which will include measures to 'address priorities which may be identified by the exceeding of any relevant limit value or by other criteria chosen by the Member State and apply in particular to the most important areas as established by strategic noise mapping'.
In-line with the strategic noise maps, this noise action plan is required to be reviewed and revised every 5 years, if required. Both these initiatives are aimed at developing strategic policy and managing environmental noise. It should be noted that environmental noise as covered by the requirements of the END relates to human activities in-particular road, rail and aircraft transport and industry activities. It is acknowledged, however, that most complaints about noise are usually related to local issues, such as noises caused by neighbours, entertainment or construction.
For this reason, Dublin City Council's Noise Action Plan (below) includes details of the Council’s approach to managing environmental noise issues, whether strategic or local, regulated or unregulated. The plans set out how the Council deals with local noise nuisances and complaints along with planning, development and traffic management issues in addition to the identification of priority areas and measures to help mitigate and manage noise from the relevant human activities contributing to the noise levels at those locations. In addition the noise action plan also assesses the impact of noise on Quiet Areas [existing or new] and considers the measures that may be required to maintain sound quality at this sites. The plans do not, however, cover noise in relation to health and safety in the work place, noise inside any means of transport, noise caused by military activities in military areas or noise from natural environmental sources, i.e. wind, waves, wildlife.
The Round 4 strategic noise maps have now been prepared and were recently published in March 2023. The noise action plan phase for Round 4 commence in April 2023 and final noise action plans due to be completed by 18th July 2024. The Public Consultation Phase for the draft Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan commences on 12th April 2024 and ends 24th May 2024. This can be accessed through Consultation Hub via the following link:
A copy of the Draft Noise Action Plan can be downloaded on the Hub also.
Should you wish to view a hard copy of the plan, it is available for inspection at the following locations;
• South Dublin County Council, County Hall Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 A3XCY (Mon-Fri, 9a.m.-5p.m.).
• County Library, Tallaght, Dublin 24
• Clondalkin Library
• Lucan Library
Submissions on the draft Noise Action Plan may be made through the Consultation Hub or alternatively by email at or in writing to, Air Quality Monitoring and Noise Control Unit, Environment & Transportation Department, Block 3 Floor 1, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.