Draft Dublin Air Quality Plan
An Air Quality Plan for NO2 in Dublin
What We Are Doing
The four Dublin Local Authorities (Dublin City Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County Council) have prepared a draft Air Quality Plan to improve levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in ambient air in Dublin. The draft Air Quality Plan is now open for public consultation and the final version of the Air Quality Plan must be completed and submitted to the European Union by the end of 2021.
Why We Are Doing It
In 2019 there was an exceedance of the annual limit value for nitrogen dioxide at one of the air quality monitoring stations – St. Johns Road West. All other pollutants measured were within EU limit values. When an exceedance is found, there is a formal process to inform the European Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They then issued a formal notification to the local authorities concerned to prepare the plan.
The EPA informed the Local Authorities of the need for the new plan for nitrogen dioxide exceedance in December 2020 and a team representing the four Dublin Local Authorities was assembled and has prepared the draft plan for Public Consultation. The final Plan must be completed and issued to the EU Commission by the end of 2021.
How can you get a copy of the Air Quality Plan and participate in the Public Consultation?
The draft Air Quality Plan is now subject to a 4 week period of public consultation, which runs from 18th October 2021 until 15th November 2021. The Public Consultation will give interested members of the public the opportunity to share their views and input to the draft plan.
A copy of the draft Air Quality Plan can be viewed here . Copies of the draft Air Quality Plan will also be available for consultation by members of the public at the head offices of all four Local Authorities and in Libraries in all four Local Authorities and at the Consultation Hub.
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) determination is available to view here and at head offices of all four Local Authorities and in each Library in all four Local Authorities and at the Consultation Hub.
To submit your views and participate in the Public Consultation please click here. Alternatively, you can submit your views on the draft Plan by email at airquality@dublincity.ie or in writing to, Air Quality Monitoring and Noise Control Unit, Environment & Transportation Department, Block 3 Floor 1, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.