Chapter 12: Our Neighbourhoods

Unique Reference Number: 
John Coleman

Chapter 12: Our Neighbourhoods

We strongly support the Draft plan position that the land  around Finnstown  Castle Hotel in Lucan be retained as Parks and Recreation zoning because Lucan does not need any more land rezoning as there is adequate residential zoned land being developed and available for development for housing in Adamstown and Clonburris for the next 10 years.
Added to that Traffic levels are now at breakpoint in the immediate vicinity.
Finnstown Castle Hotel is a cherished community amenity  that is in the middle  of high density housing developments at Adamstown to the South and West. Somerton to the North and across the road to the East Finnstown Abbey Cloisters/Priory estates and the recently developed Castle view estate, any attempt to develop further around Finnstown Castle would ruin the ambience around the grounds in an area where there is dearth of quality community resources.

Finnstown Castle and the fields surround the lane entering the hotel is a magnate for families enjoying the flora, fauna along the lane and in the fields as they make their way to an oasis of calm. This is the only location in the enire south Lucan area that provides such a unique athmosphere.